7. Shopping time

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I promised him. But wearing a dress might kill me.

Charlie sighs. A young maid has arrived with a female tailor.

She introduces, "Milady, the tailor is ready to take your body measurements."

Charlie says, "I've changed my mind."

The maid says, "A bet is a bet. That's what young master asked me to inform you."

Charlie closes her eyes.

Damfino! He won't stop rubbing salt my wound. It's bad enough loosing from him. Now everyone knows why I would be wearing a dress.

One look to the dress model and she almost faints again. Her body is shivering out of fear.

"So pretty. The dress made you look so lovely."

Charlie shakes her head. She won't remember what he said to her that night. She tried to forget him. But the memories would creep into her mind whenever she sees a dress.

The maid asks, "What's wrong? It's just a dress..."

"It's a killing instrument. Get rid of it!"

She starts to scream like a mad woman. Wailing and scared the tailor to death.

Ellen, the young maid hugs her when she starts to weep like an injured little girl. Charlie is only two years younger than her. It felt she's even younger right now.

She whispers, "I'll tell the tailor to leave until tomorrow morning. You shall tell me why you won't wear a dress."

Ellen makes a gesture and the tailor quickly escapes from the room.

"I can't. I just can't..."

Ellen hushes her.

She orders, "You could trust me. I must know. That's how I could help you."


The poor girl has fallen asleep when Ellen finally leaves her room. She looks gloomy as if a family member just died.

Fourteen years old. A man defiled her. Told her how pretty she was in a dress. No wonder she kept afraid of wearing one. Must tell young master not to force her.

She knocks on the door.

Hanks replies from inside, "Come in."

The maid walks in and closes the door behind her. Hanks raises an eyebrow. He hasn't called for a maid.

She says calmly, "Young master, we need to talk."

Few minutes have passed since Ellen explained everything to him. She has left because the Baroness has called for her service again.

Hanks is staring to outdoor through a window.

Raped in young age. That's why James taught her to wield a sword. That's why she's unable to wear a dress. If only I could kill that man!

Charlie's face comes into his mind. It isn't her fault. People labelled her as a monkey because she won't wear a dress.

Hanks pours a glass of Brandy for himself.

A man knocks on the open door.

He mocks, "That bad. Is it the girl again? Or the older one?"

"Shut up and just take a seat. I have no mood for your jester self."

Hook's smile fades away. This looks serious. He closes the door behind him.

He asks, "What is it?"

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