Ch.III The Duke and outcasts

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"Greg, I can't believe we have been engaged for a whole year. If I looked back to all the silly acts I have put up so you would loose interest on me...

I felt like a turtle. Wanting to hide myself in a thick shell. So, so embarrassing!

My friend, Sarah Burton has been engaged to a Duke since she's only eight years old. Can't you believe she'll be a duchess one day? I can't!

Sarah is so shy. So, so...I can't explain it not a duchess! Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. So she's being rather stressful right now.

It's her debut this year. And she would finally meet her fiancee. Duke Huntington. They said he's a loner. Never go out to public place much.

So, the three of us are waiting impatiently for his first dance with Sarah. To see what he really looks like. Alas! Jasmine and I are too young to see their first dance.

But...two more years, I would be seventeen years old. I could go to ballrooms and dance all night long.

I can't wait to dance with you, Greg.

Yours sincerely,

Vanessa Hoyt.

Greg smiles while folding the letter. He can't wait for her debut too. When she's finally seventeen years old. So he could give her a proper kiss on her lips. Not just a kiss to her forehead during their short date in Hyde Park.


Finally she will meet him

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Finally she will meet him. Her fiancee. She has been engaged to him since she's eight years old. But she never met him in person.

Sarah Burton, the daughter of Baron Galahad just had her debut few weeks ago. Her hands are sweating. She's frightened.

They said Duke Huntington would attend tonight's party.

According to tradition, she would be asked for a dance for the first time.

She waits and waits but the mysterious Duke never shows up.

Finally Sarah accepts dance offers from other noblemen in this party. She's enjoying herself tonight. Sarah likes dancing although she isn't a very good dancer.

Sarah felt exhausted from too much dancing. She is waiting at the edge of dance floor. Trying to catch her breath again.

Suddenly the crowds disperse when a tall nobleman walks through them with fast strides.

He stops in front of her. He opens his mouth as if he is going to say something. But he says nothing at all.

Taller than average men in the room. Honey blond hair and icy blue eyes. A pair of round glasses. He looks like a smart scholar.

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