chapter one

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It was the first day of college and glory was so excited! I get to see my new roommate I wonder who it is? Glory thought. When she got to her new room she opened the door reluctantly and saw blue streaked hair.

"Tsunami!" she wondered aloud.

"Yes right here." she appeared at the door. "YESSSSSSSSS!! Were roommates I can't believe it!"

They jumped up and down hugging each other. Once they finally settled down, glory suggested they go see who their other friends got as their roommates.

Glory and Tsunami (mostly Tsunami) decided they would go see Riptide first. They had started walking to his dorm. Tsunami had high hopes that Riptide would notice that she existed this year.

Glory and Riptide had an on and off relationship that was currently off right now. They had dated enough that they had kissed once or twice but not enough to be completely gaga over each other. So glory wasn't super excited to see him but she would put up with him for the sake of her BFF.

When they arrived at his dorm, Tsunami went into full flirtation mode.

She immediately went up to Riptide and said, "Are you dating anyone this year?"

"Um no, I'm not." he answered feeling awkward.

"Well there is someone here that wants to..." Tsunami replied, motioning to Glory.

Riptide had to think about it for a second. Then said, "Your right I should patch things up with glory... Do u think she would listen? I'll take her to the movies tonight do u want to come? Things might get.. a little awkward."

"Sure I'll come, and glory would love that!" she sighed. There was no hope for this year. She glanced at the lucky girl. Why did she get riptide? It was so unfair! Tsunami thought sadly.

Tsunami noticed she had started talking with a boy around their age, he had dark hair with the tips dyed purple, he was wearing an imagine dragons hoodie, long grey jeans, and was tossing his phone from hand to hand which had a Percy Jackson case on it. Tsunami might have found him cute but she only had eyes for riptide.

"Who's your new roommate?" she asked nodding towards the kid glory was talking to.

"Oh him? That's Deathbringer, he's a cool kid. I checked him out on facebook, seems nice enough." Riptide continued,

"I'm surprised you didn't recognize him. Remember that time in 6th grade? When he was kicking Glory's seat all day and so she turned around and said, "If you don't stop kicking my seat right know I swear I will lick you!"

"I dare you." Deathbringer challenged.

Glory accepted and licked the side of his face so Deathbringer licked her back and pretty soon it turned into a full blown licking war. The teacher had just turned around and caught them both mid lick! and said, "That is not how you french kiss". They both got sent home with referrals.

"It was hilarious! I've never seen glory's face so many shades of red! And can you believe it? Deathbringer actually looked kinda smug. That was a fun day.

"Yeah!" Tsunami said laughing. Well, we should probably go see who the others got for their roommates. Bye! It was fun talking to you, oh and when do you want us to meet you at the movie theater?" tsunami asked.

"Try 7:00." Riptide said, "tonight."

                            Glory and Riptide had been texting the rest of the day.

Riptide: Hi wyd?

Glory: Nothing much.

Riptide: So has Tsunami told you I asked you guys to come to the movies?

Glory: Yeah, dude I thought you were going to ask her this time.

Riptide: Yeah well, I was kind of a chicken.

Glory: I can't even roll my eyes at you right now.

Riptide: would u be ok if i asked tsunami out and we started dating?

Glory: I could care less.

Riptide: ouch.

Glory: Sorry not sorry!

Riptide: Fine I know I've been a really bad boyfriend I'm sorry.

Glory: Who said anything about boyfriends?

Riptide: I'm trying to apologize you're not making this any easier.

Glory: Who me?

Riptide: Arg you can be so difficult!

Glory: Torturing the male gender is what I do best.

Riptide: Your impossible.

Glory: Am I?

Riptide: If you were here you would be dead.

Glory: No I wouldn't, I'm a certified white belt sense 2019.

Riptide: You took karate?

Glory: No dumbo.

Riptide: You so took karate! Cool your a ninja!!

Glory: I didn't Tsunami did though she's a black belt highest level.

Riptide: Wow she's way cooler than you.

Glory: Jerk.

Riptide: thank you.

Glory: So what movies are you gonna watch?

Riptide: oh I don't know.

Glory: *facepalm*

Riptide: So how did you like my roommate?

Glory: I can't believe that's the same guy that licked my face!!!!!

Riptide: You remember that?

Glory: Duh of course I do. Are u trying to set me up?

Riptide: ...Maybe

Riptide: Yes I totally ship Glorybringer!!!!!!

Riptide: Glory are you still there?

Glory: Would it be okay if I said no?

Riptide: Nope I would be totally offended.

Glory: In that case no I'm not here.

Glory: Now go away I'm supposed to be sleeping!!!!!!!!!!

a/n hope you guys liked it!!!

glorybringer!!!!! as humansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora