I started typing on my laptop. Tomorrow, there would be a business meeting. If this would be a successful one, then it would help us a lot or maybe him, my soon called uncle.


A notification in my mobile.

Hi! Are still working
late night?

No just re-checking the
presentation. What
about you? Night party
with your fiance?

No just a movie night
with my little cousin.
I wish I had you here.

Haha! Maybe in my dream.
Uncle will never let
me leave this city.

Yeah you're banned to enjoy
your life.

No no. It just... Our company
needs more attention.
If tomorrow's meeting is a success,
then I will ask uncle to let me go to
your house. I'm really missing you
so much. It has been 10 years, last I spent time with you.

Ok I will wait for it.

'I hope I wouldn't make you wait so long'

After finishing the presentation, I went to sleep.

A dreamless sleep like always.

The next day, I woke up from my sleep at 5:30. After taking a shower, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After finished making breakfast, I told our housemaid to serve it when wanted.

I ate my breakfast and left for the company. I had to print those documents before the meeting.

"Good morning ma'am", the security greeted me. I smiled as greeted them back.

The building was empty. It was too early. I went straight to the office, which was for me. I had a printer there. I printed everything and started to arrange everything. It took 2 hours to recheck everything.

"Miss Emilia, do you want coffee?", Sonia, one of our employee asked. I accepted her offer,"Thanks Sonia. It would be great, and good morning to you". She also greeted me before leaving.

Soon, she came back with two coffee mugs. I never stayed in the company for more than two hours. If I stayed longer, then people could doubt me because Amelia had never set foot in a company where the current owner allowed her daughter to work. I was playing the role of my uncle Mason's daughter.

"The Coffee is really great. Thank you, Sonia", I thanked her. She was really sweet and kind. "Emilia, did you hear that the Reeds are back?", Sonia asked. She was one of the die heart fans of Damon Reed. I had heard about him but never had the chance to meet or see him. " Yes, I heard. Dad was talking about him", I lied to her. My uncle never talked to me about anything but business.

She pouted and asked, "You've never met him, right?". I chuckled," I've never seen him either ". " What?", she exclaimed. Before she said anything more, there was a knock on my door. We stopped. I said, "Coming in", after hiding the coffee mugs and threw a file to Sonia to pretend to help me, arranging the files.

Mr. Grey, my uncle's assistant, entered. First, he glanced at Sonia. Sonia was so afraid of him. Sonia excused herself and left me with Mr. Grey.

"What is this, Amelia? You let that inexperienced girl touch those precious files? She could be spy or something", he said, glancing at me. I only said,"sorry" since I didn't want to say or have anything to say.

Mr. Grey knew everything about me, uncle, and his plan. He was my father's assistant.

'Greed and money can do anything'

"Mr. Collins wants you in his office with those files without anyone's help. Do I make myself clear?", Mr. Grey asked me in a cold voice. I didn't have anything to do but to follow. "Understood."

He left. I tightly held 10 folders in my hand. I somehow reached my uncle's office and placed them on his table. Uncle took a file and went through it, smirking. Soon, the door of his office opened and Emilia entered. "Daddy, when will Damon arrive? I'm so tired of waiting", she asked, pushing me out of the way. She turned to me and said, "Hey! Bring me some snacks". She never called me by my name. I looked at my uncle, seeking permission. He just shouted, "Didn't you hear what she just said?", I ran out of his office and went to the elevator.

I brought some snacks and a strawberry milkshake, her favorite.

I went inside his office after getting permission and handed the snacks to Emilia.

I turned to Uncle and asked, "Is there anything I have to do?", He said, "No, there is nothing. We can go back". Before leaving, I asked him, "Can I get my internet, sir?". He thought for a moment. Before he gave permission or anything else, Emilia said, "Let her have her internet, Dad. She is going to miss her cartoons". Uncle said, "Go, I will tell Sofie to give you an internet connection". I thanked Uncle before leaving the building.

'Cat Blanc is going to release today'

"Ahh!", I suddenly fell to the floor after bumping into someone. I lifted my eyes and found a man extending his hand to help me. However, I stood up without taking his assistance. I noticed that my mobile screen just cracked more than before. The man also noticed this and called his assistant, instructing him to buy a new mobile phone for me.


I stopped the assistant and told him not to buy me a mobile. I turned to the man and said, "I don't want you to buy me a new mobile. You don't need to show me how rich you are". I turned my back and started to walk away. I heard him say, "Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am?", I replied, "I'm Emilia. If you feel bad, then I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry".

'He is so rude'

The new chapter of New story

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

The new chapter of New story.
Hope you enjoy.
Thank you.


Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.
Started With A Lie ✓Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz