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The Next Morning
Paris pov

Waking up I noticed that I wasn't in Killa's tight hold anymore, I looked around and he wasn't in the room so I just went in his bathroom and opened a new tooth brush and brushed my teeth before washing my face.

When I was done with my hygiene I quietly made my way downstairs where I heard voices. When I finally got there it was Killa, JT, Shoota, and this other girl I've never seen before but she was gorgeous they were rolling blunts and she was just scrolling on her phone. "Good morning." I said softly.

"Yo, wassup." Shoota said smiling at me, looking up from his phone with a blunt lit in his hand.

JT mugged me for a bit before answering "Morning." He said lowly. Who pissed in his cornflakes?.

"Good morning."  The female said to me. I gave her a warm smile.

"Wassup." Killa said to me lastly. I waved before walking to the kitchen which was couple rooms down from the living. I quickly got started on breakfast, I was making bacon, eggs,cheese grits, blueberry waffles which is Killa's favorite and a omelet for me.

"Okay she a whole chef and all." I jumped a little as I heard the girls soft voice behind me .

"Oh I didn't mean to scare you but I'm Deja." (Day-juh) I nodded.

" (Day-juh) I nodded

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"I'm Paris." I said to her as I sat down at the kitchen island and she nodded still smiling as she made her way over to me.

"So you and Killa uh?" She asked, leaning up against the counter and raising a brow at me.

"Me and Killa? Oh no." I answered asking my head, deading the speculations or thoughts of us before it even started.

"Oh girl please, I seen the way you were looking at him and the way he was looking at you when you walked off. There's most definitely something there." I chuckled just as JT walked in.

"In here smell good as hell guh damn." He said walking up to Deja kissing her neck as she just smiled I'm guessing that is girl.

"Thank you, y'all want a plate? I offered.

"Yeah." JT responded, quickly grabbing a plate and running in front of the stove— wanting his food before everyone else.

"Please." Deja said.

"YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU!" Shoota shouted as he came running down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Yo light bright ass better be that hungry." Killa said as he came into the kitchen.

I just laughed before making everyone a plate before we all sat down and all ate together, it was silent because everyone was tearing the food up.

After everyone was finish, I cleaned up after them. As I was mopping the floor Killa walked inside with a slight smirk, I smiled as I put the mop to the side as I walked up to him. "Are you feeling better?" I asked while gently rubbing his side.

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