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"Ride Or Die Means You're Always There For One Another In The Good Or Bad" -Unknown

Paris pov
7:16 AM

After making breakfast and doing a little quick clean up, I left Killa's food in the microwave before rushing out the house and jumping into my jeep trying to quickly make my way to school since I only had like about 25 minutes to get there.

It didn't take me long to get arrive there, once I arrived I went straight to my locker swapping my AP Calculus book out with my AP Chemistry book since I didn't want to carry all of them at once, since they were a little heavy.

"Paris?!" I heard someone say my name and the voice sound oddly familiar, turning around I saw my old childhood best friend.

"Layton?! Girl what are you doing here" I said pulling her into a hug, smiling excitedly

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"Layton?! Girl what are you doing here" I said pulling her into a hug, smiling excitedly.

"My mom got a job offer down here so we moved back here from New York" She smiled.

"Oh my god I missed you so much" I said to her as she handed me her schedule.

"We have any classes together?" She asked as I looked over her schedule biting the side of my cheek.

"Yea, we have Human Geography together and AP Japanese Language & Culture as well as our next period Physics" She smiled clapping excitedly.

"Yes! girl I hate begin the new girl" She said as the bell rung and we made our way to class.


We were now currently at lunch and I was sitting down with Eden and Layton. I introduced them to each other and they were getting along pretty well.

"Damn, why she in a neck brace?" Layton said eating her sloppy joe as she nodded her head over at Alexis.

"Cause Paris beat her into a coma for a few days" Layton busted out laughing as she snorted causing me and Eden to laugh.

"Awwwe look at little old Paris finally got some friends" Alexis's friend said and Layton stood up, getting into Alexis face.

"Okay and you should worry about yours now shut up and help her eat her grapes" She said to the girl as the whole cafeteria laughed.

"She should have just sat there and ate her food" Eden said and we all agreed.

"How's your mom has she gotten better?" Layton whispered over to me, changing the topic as she sat back down.

"No she's still the same old Linda from when you were here" I rolled my eyes thinking about her.

"Oh girl you gon have to catch me up" She shook her head and I just sighed as we finished our lunch.


School was over and I was on my way to the hair salon to get my hair done because today was the day I realized my natural hair was to much to handle.

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