Chapter Eleven; Journey To The Moonpool

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Dawnfire dreamed again that night. She was in her territory. She was getting close to the lake when she smelled a familiar scent. "Greynose!" She mewed rushing to where he was sitting.

"Hey Dawnfire! Fancy seeing you in my dream." He mewed his eyes filling with joy.

"Your dream? This is my dream." Dawnfire replied to him.

"You are confused aren't you?" A voice sounded in the bracken behind them. A flame coloured tom with brilliant emerald green eyes. He looked familiar in a way, she'd never met him, but she had heard about him. It was Firestar!

"I am Firestar. Once ThunderClan leader. I am here with a mesage from StarClan." Firestar mewed.

Not another prophecy! Dawnfire thought. She was already weighd down by secrets and prophecies.

"Dawnfire, you already know the grey dawn don't you?" Firestar asked her.

She nodded her head.

"Ravenpaw was right. You and Greynose are the grey dawn."

Greynose looked at her confused. "I'm the what?"

"My mother Swiftleaf came to me in a dream a few nights ago. She said that danger is coming and the grey dawn will be your saviour. I didn't know what it meant but when I was on a patrol with Ravenpaw he knew something was up. I told him and he said he figured it out. That me and you were the grey dawn. I asked him how he knew and he said that he had a gift from StarClan, a gift that helps him understand cats troubles and helps them to understand." Dawnfire told him.

"That he does." Firestar mewed. 

"I was going to tell you but Ravenpaw said that I should wait and see if StarClan tell me anything. So I did but nothing came. I'm sorry Greynose, you are part of a prophecy you never even knew of."

Greynose still looked confused but it died away and was replaced with understanding. "I forgive you Dawnfire." He mewed to her rubbing his muzzle against hers.

"You did the right thing Dawnfire." Firestar mewed. "I have another message for you both. The grey dawn will rise with the kestrel who hunts among the gorse, the silver river that ripples and the blue sky with the storm behing it to lead and protect those around the water from the danger."

Greynose and Dawnfires' eyes widened in shock. Danger was coming, but what was it? 

"What does it mean?" Asked Greynose.

Firestar carried on. "Tomorrow night, you will travel to the Moonpool, there all your questions will be answered. Two other cats from each Clan will be there. You two are the leaders for this prophecy. Especially you Dawnfire. Myself, Blackstar, Onestar and Leopardstar all chose you. We are counting on you." With that Firestar faded away and Dawnfire turned to Greynose. They looked into each others eyes until they finaly awoke.

Greynose who was beside her got up and shook himself. "What do we do Dawnfire?" He asked.

"I don't know. I suppose we will just go to the Moonpool and find out.

Dawnfire left the camp with Greynose at her heels. It was just after sunhigh and they were leaving to go the Moonpool. 

They stopped to quickly hunt to keep up their energy. They caught a mouse each and sat down to eat.

"What do you think willl happen? I've never been to the Moonpool before." Mewed Greynose in between bites.

"I don't know, but I think I know where it is." Dawnfire replied giving him a reasuring lick on the ear.

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