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LEADER: Redstar - ginger tom with green eyes

DEPUTY: Runningshadow - dark grey she-cat with blue eyes. Apprentice - Hawkpaw

MEDICINE CAT: Mossnose - tortoiseshell and white she-cat, pale amber eyes

WARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)

Mudpelt - brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Salem - powerful black tom with amber eyes and long claws. Former rouge

Dawnfire - pretty ginger she-cat with one pale ginger paw and green eyes. Apprentice - Poppypaw

Frostflower - beautiful white she-cat with ice blue eyes. Apprentice - Dovepaw

Greynose - pale grey tom with a dark grey muzzle and amber eyes

Foxclaw - dark ginger tom with green eyes. Apprentice - Ravenpaw

APPRENTICES: (cats older than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Hawkpaw - lithe brown tabby tom with white chest and paws

Poppypaw - blue-grey she-cat with blue eyes

Dovepaw - pretty she-cat with a very pale grey coat and pale blue eyes

Ravenpaw - sleek black tom with leafy green eyes

QUEENS: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Goldenleaf - pale ginger with amber eyes. Mother to Brightkit, Dapplekit and Stromkit

ELDERS: (retired cats, too old to be warriors)

Horsetail - long haired sandy coloured tom with pale green eyes.



LEADER: Rainstar - blue-grey tom with green eyes

DEPUTY: Cinderfoot - dark grey tom with amber eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Woodpelt - wiry brown tom with no tail. Apprentice - Leafpaw

WARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)

Rockfall - Black tom (with grey and brown flecks) and green eyes

Stormpelt - pale grey tom with black paws and tail, blue eyes. Apprentice - Jaypaw

Nettlefoot - brown and black tabby tom with amber eyes. Apprentice - Bluepaw

Snowheart - white she-cat with blue eyes

APPRENTICES: (cats older than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Leafpaw - white she cat with a brown tail and paws and green eyes

Jaypaw - grey tabby tom with pale blue eyes

Bluepaw - blue-grey she-cat with blue eyes

QUEENS: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Owlfur - brown and black with amber eyes. Mother to Waspkit and Darkkit, mate to Nettlefoot

Daffodil - pale ginger with amber eyes, former rouge. Mother to Lionkit and Willowkit



LEADER: Cloudstar - fluffy white tom with pale blue eyes

DEPUTY: Ashcloud - grey she-cat with blue eyes. Apprentice - Gorsepaw

MEDICINE CAT: Brackenpelt - ginger tom with green eyes

WARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)

Kestrelwing - golden tom with darker flecks and amber eyes

Flamepelt - ginger tom with green eyes. Apprentice - Harepaw

Breezetail - very fast black tom with amber eyes

Morningsky - pale grey she-cat with blue eyes

APPRENTICES: (cats older than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Gorsepaw - ginger and white tom with green eyes

Harepaw -small brown tom with blue eyes

ELDERS: (retired cats, too old to be warriors)

Crowfur - black tom with blue eyes



LEADER: Mistystar - blue-grey she-cat with pale blue eyes

DEPUTY: Reedwhisker - black tom with green eyes

MEDICINE CAT: Rippletail - silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Apprentice - Birchpaw

WARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)

Emberstream - ginger tom with green eyes. Apprentice - Bramblepaw

Shadefur - grey tom with blue eyes

Whiteflower - pretty white she cat with blue eyes

Stumpytail - brown tabby tom with no tail and green eyes

Silverpebble - pretty silver she cat with ice blue eyes

APPRENTICES: (cats older than six moons old, in training to become warriors)

Birchpaw - small tabby tom with green eyes

Bramblepaw - pale brown she-cat with amber eyes

QUEENS: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)

Shellheart - white and silver with blue eyes

Whiteflower - pretty white she cat with blue eyes. Mother to Lakekit and Seedkit

Hey guyz! This is my first Warriors fan-fic so please enjoy! I know some of the Warriors' names are ones actually in the book and I didn't realise this until I started writing the fifth chapter so yeah... Please don't sue me! Lol.

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