in my mind, they are fading

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I had taken care of my wounds from the night before but didn't bother with my room. I had gotton dressed and was ready to head out to work and was currently hoping around trying to get my shoe on and accidentally stepped on a glass shard luckily it not injuring me. I looked up at the picture witch had been shot.

I simply stared at it for a bit before. A hot tear rolled down my face but I wiped it away and slipped the shoe on, grabbed my purse and ran out the door. I ran to work being pinned on the ground by a magenta flash.

"Heyo (N/N)" Sam said picking me up. "Hi Sam" I replie as she put me down. "You look like shit" Seen, Sam's bestie said a cigarette in between her teeth, clinging onto a nearby lamppost a that said 'no smoking 10 feet from post' "yeah yeah can you read the sign?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Yeah it said 10 feet form the post. I'm on the post, duh dow" Seen replied flicking the cigarette onto the ground her jumping down and rubbing the bud into the ground. "Besides they can't arrest me for smoking" Seen said shrugging.

Sam didnt look the least bit impressed. Sam wacked the back if Seems head "SEEN THATS EXACTLY WHAT THEY CAN DO!" This being the first time I've seen Sam yell at someone. Seen just sheepishly grinned and chuckled.

"Sorry, sorry." Seen mumbled. I laughed at the two and unlocked the restaurant walking in Sam following but pushing Seen back, closing the door and running into the back laughing. Seen had opened the door sitting down at the bar bench. I went into the back to get ready for work.

(Tine skip to late morning)

Seen had left to do something most likely reckless. I could careless as I was walking around taking orders and giving people their orders.  I walked behind one of the counters watching people enter and leave the building till two all to familiar faces entered. "Hey (Y/N)" Jay said running over to the counter Tim following slowly looking (surprisingly) a bit more annoyed then usual. "Jay" I replied a bit more monotone then I wanted.  Tim had finally caught up as we all just kinda stared at one another. "So Al-" Maybe that's where I sorta just maybe snapped.

"I thought after how Alex treated you guys you would have just givin up on that stupid series." I said glaring. "But instead, my brothers been driven to insanity, my house was shot at yesterday, Tim could've been killed and kids could've lost their lives because of that stupid series. Cant you see what havoc its causing Jay? People are going to die and your 'friend group' members will be the cause."

Jay looked shocked and was going to say something as May enter the cafe with her bookbag look heavier then usual.

"One moment Jay" I mumble as May sits on one of the counter stools.

"I think I figured something out." May said pulling her camcorder r from her bag. "My cam was acting out yesterday night after I came home from the forest and I didn't understand why. I opened it and the inside looked like it started melting!" She looked kinda excited. "And it took a bit of science but this usually happens with radiation!" "Whitch means?" I ask cocking an eyebrow. "It means i figureed out what causes most of things that happen when it's around!" She replied. Back when I didnt believe this crap, I would've thought she was nuts but, as of now, it did in fact make sense.

Jay looked at May confused but she didn't seem to care. "A-and if that's right the thing might have a weakness!" She seemed far to excited for this. "Who's the thing?" Tim asked beofre Jay could throw the Pentagon worth of questions at her. May looked at Tim she examined him and then she looked down...scared? "N-non of your beeswax...." May mumbled. I looked at Tim. "You havent been bullying her have ya?" I ask chuckling causing May to shift uncomfortably but shake her head. The doors bell rung as Miller ran in accidentally running into Jays arm. "Ah geez! Real sorry mister!" Miller then ran around Tim and Jay to May. "I looked over the recording and-" May covered Millers mouth granbed his arm and pulled him to a few stills further down.

I glared at Jay who I forgot to mention looked like he legit hadn't slept in a long while. "What do you mean, shot at your House?" Jay asked. "Oh well I would have presumed Alex would have told you," I say hitting the side of my head then feeling rather dizzy.  "(Y/N)?" Jay questioned as I grabbed the counter shaking my head slightly. May looked at me form where she was, her eyes widening and her getting up so fast I swear sonic wouldve been put to shame.

My sight became fuzzy as a ringing stretched my brian and all I could do in an action was look out one of the large windows. A tall faceless figure and a orange blur and then black.

Time didn't move from then but ot felt like everything still ran. I heard but I couldn't see. I heard yelling, then a siren, then I didn't hear anything. I was left deaf in my own mind nothing to do or see or imagine.  

Almost nothing.

A white light flashed in fornt of me. I wasn't a physical form like in dreams. I didnt even exist. Like a 1st person point of view. I couldn't see me only what my eyes saw in fornt of me.

Black and white blurs.

Then black and white figures.

Then black smudges and splashes.

Then blinding white.

The black room around me was consumed in white, only to be consumed by black again.

Like a fight.

Till there was only white.

No not white....light.


Why is there a light?

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