I sighed taking a sip of my coffee, staring out the window onto the road.

The nightmare was, strange to say the least and none of it clicked. Seen and Sam were pretty worried to see the hot mess i was when I woke up and when i tired to explain the nightmare they only got more confused.

Seen and Sam had to leave no more then 20 minutes ago so its just been me and Rocky  well, me, Rocky, and coffee. Cause everyone else is missing.

I, I kinda miss it all...my brother and his college friends rehearsing or writing in our house, or coming back to a huge mess, I miss Mays highly sarcastic comments but worrisome attitude, I miss overall, everything.

It feels like one mistake, one idea, caused everything to go to hell. I could've done something, but in an overall realistic sense, so couldn't have done anything. The day my brother decide to make that stupid series, was the day everyone's future was set in stone, stamped on the documents, and put on huge screens for everyone to see.

One choice putting everyone into a fresh hell pool, how fun.

The thoughts on this subject had suddenly made my coffee not as appetizing nor energy enduring.

I put the coffee cup down in sudden disgust and look back up at road, my line of sight being hindered by a piece of paper on the window.

Oh How fun.

First my coffee, now my day and I mean, same difference I guess but still.

My finger twitches and as anyone who's entire social life has recently stopped being a social life, I got up went outside, and grabbed the paper, then walked right back inside to read it, I don't wanna get jumped by who ever left the damn thing. Not that it really matters.

   I sit back down in my chair and look down at the paper.


 Wow. All this for lil 'ol me?

I grab a sticky note pad from the coffee table and grab a pen, then stick the note to the window before leaving to go see how the cafes reconstruction is doing.



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