why can't I be suprised

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May and Miller had left a while ago, Alex was still on the ground. I sighed. I remember that one time he yelled at me while doing his big 'production'

I got out of my car Rocky on the leash. Alex had went out to do his stupid flim thing and entirely forgot that we were going to go to our parents grave. I walked through building into the back where he was practically telling at his friends. "ALEX!" I shouted causing him to glare at me "You brought your dog?!" He didnt seem happy. I glared back "OUR Dog. Why the hell would you bail on me!?" Tim, Rebecca, and Jay looked pretty...I dunno. Worked? Yeah. Worked.

I sighed rubbing my temple. I grabbed a blanket throwing it on top of Alex then going to my room. I looked out my window. We lived in a pretty nice neighborhood, people out all the time. Of course it was pretty odd to see the shadow of two people a few yards back, the colors hardly see able but faint. One shadow was taller then the other, the shorter one was only a dark orange and the tint of a red in places where their face would be. The other just being completely shadowed out except for one detail. Its blank, white face.

(In honesty when I first saw Slenderman in drawings and him not having a face I immediately thought of that cat in animal crossing where she doesn't have a face and you draw her one. Shout out to the GameCube players out there)

I tried getting a better look at the orangish silhouette and rubbed my eyes the shadows being gone. Expect for a paper swinging in the wind on a tree. I opened the window top speed and sonic sped to the note.

'Trust no one'

I grabbed the paper and darted back to the house. Mostly considering I ran out in the night wearing a tank top, pajama pants a no shoes. The ground was fucking freezing.

I closed my window, locked, went around the house closed all blinds made sure all doors, and windows were locked....then doubled checked. Then went back to my room, crawled into bed, got scared, moved my dresser in front of my closet, covered my mirror and turned all picture frames upside down. Layed back down. Got up and did the same to the rest of the house once again checking to make sure everything was locked. Rocky looked at me confused every time I passed but.woiod simply lay back down after. I then went back to my room, grabbed a pocket knife and hid it under my pillow, grabbed an extra blanket and curled up under the messy nest I call a bed.

>Time skip to morning<

I woke up. No surprise? 'you know what at this point I really wouldnt be suprised if I didn't wake up' my mind grumled to its self. I went to turn over being greeted by a great pain and a goppy wet side. I looked at it and noticed a pool of blood soaked in my bed and looked down at my arm. I never cleaned or bandaged the bullet wound did I.


"GOD DAMNIT!" I shouted no one answering. I waited a bit. Nothing. I sniffled. And then I simply cryed softly to myself. I was in pain. Was that the reason i was crying? Hell no. I was CRYING because once I hoped everything bad that has happened was just a bad dream and that finally everything was like it should have been.

But it wasn't.

It won't ever be will it?

To my beautiful reader-Chan's, kuns, and sans, thank you for waiting ever so patiently for my return. I was Masky for Halloween. It also snowed. I also didnt get my phone back that day. Of well. I'm back now. Also my friend was Pleage doctor. Also I'm bi. Also thats it. Ok update hopefully soon love y'all! (Wait also I beated the Mayoras mask boss!)

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