So with a broken heart I had to let the nurses take Cally away from me.

Once Cally had been taken into emergency I kept on rubbing my face and running my hands through my hair.

I kept on pacing near the emergency room and trying to find out what was happening.

The nurses and the staff were trying to convince me to calm down and to drink some coffee.

But I refused to even think about eating or sleeping without hearing about  how Cally's condition was.

It was taking too long for the doctors to come out.

It had already been 2 hours and the doctors had still not come out.

Finally after 2 hours of frustrated waiting, the doctor came out.

The doctor that came out removed his mask from his mouth and started asking  for the patient's  family.

That was the time I immediately rushed to the doctor's side and told him I was Cally's boyfriend.

It was partially true also  because if that incident had not occured, I was gonna ask Cally to be my girlfriend in front of my brother.
But the doctor did not need to know that.

The doctor told me that his name was Dr. Andrews and he would be treating the Patient till the time of her full recovery

The doctor was not much older than I was except he looked a bit more mature.

It made me very  jealous  not because of the fact that he was a young doctor but because he was treating Cally and got to be near her and not me and I could not do anything about it.

But keeping my jealousy aside I told the doctor to tell me more about Cally's condition.

The doctor told me that Cally's condition was stable for now but she still was not out of danger and he feared that she might be in a state of what we call "partial coma."

He told me to inform the parents and her family about it.

He told me that according to his assumption and research that it initially started with the patient having a panic attack which got aggreviated and now it seems that the patient's brain is not willing to let go and is reliving the moments which caused her to have a panic attack.
Hence, her condition for partial coma.

"So I asked the doctor what do we do then"?

The doctor said there was nothing much they could do except for wait and pray for the patient to come out of state herself.

He told me that they are keeping her on medications but the medications are not seeming to  work on her meaning  her body is not ready to respond to any type of medication.

So they really hoped she was strong enough to fight her demons and come back from her state herself.

The doctor said to me - that usually in these cases the patient's will power to wake up and face the reality is the only solution for them to recover quickly as their body had shut themselves down as a defence mechanism to stop them from facing their problems.

He told me to constantly talk to the patient and give them lots of love and care from their family and friends as it's the only way for her to heal and know that how much you all love her.

Otherwise he said to me that - we don't know  how long it may take weeks, months for even years for her to wake up

Hearing that I felt like my world just collapsed in front of my eyes.

The doctor asked me that if I did'nt mind him asking - how did the patient have such a severe panic attack?

I was speechless and could not answer the doctor because I myself was not sure about cally's past and I can't let the doctor know that could I.

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