Explanations (part 1) (ARCase & Ruechari)

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"I'll say it again, who the hell are you?

Why should I trust you with Rue."

"Name is Billy, I'm a deputy here in BG.

I'm sure you've heard of me.

I'm an old friend of Rue's. But right now,

I'm more interested in why she's with you."

Jacob had the anger on his face.

Alongside Billy's horse, he did race.

So you are the SOB, who cheated on Rue

with my sister Lou!

Billy looked mighty confused. "Your sister? Lou?

Lou had a brother? How come she never mentioned you?"

"For the same reason why Rue doesn't speak of you.

Because of all the pain and heartache, it puts her through.

You are lucky that now isn't the time or place,

or I would mess up your pretty face!

You really hurt Ruechari. I hope you are damn sorry!"

"More than she'll ever know.

Wait, you're that guy! The one from the fire show."

He remembered watching him perform from the window.

The day he let Ruechari go.

"Mind telling me what the hell happened at the casino?"

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Billy could feel Rue starting to relax.

The further he got her away

Busted Gulch Volume 12Where stories live. Discover now