Makin Things Right (lyttlejoe)

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Makin' Things Right 

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Makin' Things Right 

CG was all a fluster when 3Gun came back

Forsaking all her pride

She was forced to admit

Leo and Patty had lied!

3Gun tried to slow her down

But she knew now with all her heart

Leo Write had planned it well

And now they had a head start

3Gun called for Billy, told him CG's tale

They both traded looks, respect agreed

Billy would be in charge of the town

While 3Gun rode with speed

Packed his saddlebags and called for horse

Told CG to send a wire to Marshall Law

He was sure they'd stashed the gold in County

Tell him to scour the town raw

Say I'll be there by tomorrow night

Got the facts now and they're all quite plain

See if there's any way

He can stall the train

3Gun paused a moment as he mounted up

Once again he would have to give chase

It would take a level head

to avenge Lou and help CG save face 

Busted Gulch Volume 12Where stories live. Discover now