Strop, Heather, and the Killer (RonanOBoyle)

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Strop, Heather and the Killer

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Strop, Heather and the Killer

He hugged his wife 

not letting going for dear life. 

 "Sweet lamb aren't you going to invite me in" 

 Heather did grin 

 Finally together 

 "Of course Heather My Heather!" 

Smiled Strop 

 Led her gently into his shop 

 "It's just your letter 

I wasn't expecting you 

until the end of the month?" 

 "My letter?" 

 Asked a confused Heather. 

 "The letter? 

Don't you remember?" 

 He handed it from his jacket 

 Carefully from inside pocket. 

 She read 

 Then worried said 

"This I wrote years ago. 

Before the shooting on the train." 

 "Shooting on a train?" 

 Strop confused did exclaim. 

 "Yes can't you remember 

you must know." 

 His expression told her No. 

 She placed her hand tender on his cheek. 

 "What did he do to you?" 

 He kissed her hand 

 "He? Who?" 

 "The man who killed my sister." 

 She said bitter. 

 "That killer!" 

 "That monster!" 

 "Your brother."


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Busted Gulch Volume 12Where stories live. Discover now