Ticci Toby-

Toby sighed as he relaxed on the couch, TV remote in hand, and a towel resting on his shoulders. "Ah, just food, TV, and drinks. A nice way to relax before my lovely boyfriend comes home." Toby said with a small smile.

After a few days of nothing but work and pestering, Toby gets to just sit back and do nothing for a bit.

Except to wait for you to get home.

Toby looked through the channels with a small pout before hearing his notification go off. He glanced at his phone to see a message from you. "Yes!" He checked it and groaned loudly.

BABE: I'll be home later than I planned

BABE: and you don't have to pick me up

BABE: Don't eat all the snacks

"That's weird. I usually pick him up." Tony muttered before sighing loudly. "Why would he think that about snacks?" Toby asked before looking at the container of snacks on his lap. "Oh, right."

Then he rubbed his head a little. "Why doesn't he want me to pick him up?"

Dark Link-

With a beep, Dark shook his head and rested it on the counter. "Baby boy, it's me again. Calling to see how the family emergency is going. Uh, so call me back, I guess? Love you." He hung up with a small sigh and hit his phone against the palm of his hand.

"Should I..call his dad?" Dark muttered to himself but groaned. Maybe you were busy. He shouldn't call your parents just for an answer.

"Yes, hello? This is Dark, M/R's boyfriend." Dark ended up calling your mom. "Uh, I was wondering how he was doing. He said there was a family emergency?"

Your mom gave a confused hum. "Dark, there's no family emergency."

Dark raised a brow and chuckled a little. "What do you mean? M/R said there was a family emergency. That's why he's been gone the last few days, right?"

"I'm sorry. Excuse me."

Then she hung up him. Dark looked at his phone before tilting his head. "What just happened?"

Homicidal Liu-

Liu tapped his foot while your brother listened to the voicemail on the house phone. (B/N) shrugged and deleted the message. "Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. It's M/R crazy ex. M/R isn't cheating on you." He said, setting the phone down.

"Why would he leave it though?" Liu asked, rubbing his temple. "Seems kinda immature to do that."

Liu came by your place after a couple days of being away. With what time he came at, he knew you were probably at school or work. Well, he noticed some voicemails on your house phone and decided to check them out. One messages wasn't exactly a good.

"Sounds like him. Doesn't surprise me though. I know he did it a couple times before M/R started dating you." (B/N) said as he grabbed his history book. "I got what I needed. See you around."

Liu nodded and waved as your brother left. He sighed, rubbing his neck. "I would've been so pissed for no reason." Liu muttered as he sat on the couch. "Where's our bunny anyway?"

Jeff the Killer-

"Is it usually this boring without M/R here?" Jeff asked himself as he dropped his phone on his chest then looked around his room. "What got him so busy?"

He sat up with a small sigh. "I'm bored but too tired to do anything." He muttered, rubbing his head tiredly. Then he sighed loudly, picking his phone up.

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