14. Tempers and Sensei Rose

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Hey guys,
I'm doing really well this week! I'm hoping to get another chapter your way this week :)

Chapter song: Hungry like the Wolf by Duran Duran

Leah Clearwater hummed to herself pretty happily as she broke into Sam Uley's house. She took the power tool she'd stolen from her dad and was quite simply ruining the lock. She couldn't wait to see his face when he realized what she'd done.

She had already bought an identical handle to replace the damage with; he would laugh his ass off and they'd have the best birthday party ever.

The pranks of their relationship had been escalating for awhile. Last year, Sam had pretended that her pet snake had escaped when in reality she'd been strategically placed in her extra habitat at Sam's house. A then identical rubber snake had been dropped onto Leah while she showered by Sue Clearwater.

   He was so perfect that he had somehow gotten her mother, the most serious woman Leah knew on this Earth, to help prank her. If she hadn't already of been madly in love with her, then that birthday would've tipped the scale in his favor.

The handle cracked open, and the tall, shapely Native girl stepped over the threshold with glee. She quickly grabbed the three grocery bags she'd brought with her to decorate and display his presents. It was fast and fun work, any minute Sam would be back from his construction job-

A low, female moan cut through the air from Sam's closed bedroom. Leah froze.

   What the hell? Her brain didn't quite understand the noise, didn't compute the impossibility of a woman other than her in Sam's bedroom.

   This time, the moan was a hell of a lot louder.

   She moved quietly while her already bruised heart pounded in her chest. Each step felt like an incremental shuffle to an impossible reality. Rage began to boil so hot that the bedroom door seemed to kick itself in. And it became obvious from all of the nude flesh and human limbs scrambling from surprise and Sam's dark, beautiful eyes that she wasn't wrong. 

   The son of a bitch ruined his own birthday party.

   "Leah!" He sent one of his heavily toned limbs to cover the other woman.

But he did it way too late. Her familiar eyes and face that looked vaguely similar to her own gave it all away. "Emily?" Leah's voice came out small, weaker than it ever had before.

What she did next ashamed her. She ran to her car and got out of there. Like she was the one who'd done wrong. She peeled through the streets of LaPush, in no mindset to drive, while shaking like some heroin addict going cold turkey. But through some act of divinity, her car stopped moving once she was just wailing.

It might've been an overreaction on her part, but six years of her life were suddenly gone. Her love was gone. Emily, one of the most important in the world to her, had betrayed her. She couldn't bridge it together in words so the wailing was all that could be done to vocalize her heartbreak and anger and confusion.

This continued for fifteen seconds before Leah Clearwater's world imploded. Her muscles ripped apart and reformed in a flash of agonizing pain while she was dumb enough to grip her steering wheel in some wordless plea for mercy. The leather shredded as her claws erupted from her knuckles. She blacked out and suddenly a graceful, grey wolf broke through the car window in a shattering, glinting rain.

   The wolf ran for a long time.


Bella and I sat side by side listening as Charlie spoke on the phone to an anguished Harry Clearwater.

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