2 | festival of arts

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A couple nights later, I was rudely awaken by Ezra covering my mouth with the palm of his hand.  Jerking awake, I  gave him my best death glare.  He put a finger to his lips and gestured me to follow him outside the bunk room that Hera and I shared.  I ran a hand through my hair to make myself the least bit presentable and pulled on my boots.  

"This better be good, Ezra," I said quietly, gritting my teeth.  "I need my beauty sleep for the recon tomorrow."

"You don't need your sleep to be beaut-" Ezra started.  "Anyways, I wanted to show you something."  

"What?" I asked, annoyed.  Ezra began walking toward the Phantom.  The mini ship that attached to the Ghost.  And it was strictly off-limits without Hera or Kanan giving us permission.  "What do you think you're doing?!" I scolded him as he powered up the control pad.  

"Do you know what day it is?" Ezra asked me. 

"It's not day, it's night and we should be asleep in bed."

Ezra sighed. "Today marks Lothal's Lunar New Year.  And every year they put on a festival to celebrate.  And we are going right now."

My jaw dropped.  "Are you crazy? If Hera and Kanan found out-"

"They won't," Ezra looked at me determined.  He sat down in the pilot's chair.  I found myself staring at him for a moment.  Ezra wasn't the cocky kid tagging around with us anymore.  He was maturing, and becoming stronger.  I realized it had been about a year since he had sabotaged our mission on Lothal.  That one mission had seemed so simple at the time, but now I knew it had changed everything. Since then he had grown taller than me, and become a handsome team member.  

Ezra leaned over to plug in the coordinates and I noticed is broad shoulders and strong jawline.  For awhile I just treated him like a little brother, but now he towered over me, and he felt more like a partner.  

"What?" Ezra raised his eyebrows at me.  He had caught me staring at him.  I adverted my gaze and felt my cheeks heating up.  

"Nothing. Um- so how do the Lothlings get away with a festival under the Empire's reign?" 

"It's hidden, only few know how to find it." Ezra beamed as he sat back in the pilot's chair.  I felt the ship jerk as we released from the Ghost.  

"You better not be doing anything stupid," I remarked holding onto the back of the chair as we shot through hyperspace. 

"Trust me.  You'll love this."  Ezra was really excited.  His anticipation was rubbing off on me and my sense of adventure was kicking in.  Going to a secret festival at night with the dashing Ezra Bridger? What could possibly go wrong?

So many things, my conscience told me as we came out of hyperspace.


Ezra swiftly landed the Phantom behind a small hill near Tarkin Town.  Within one short year, he had become a great pilot.  He shut the controls off and beckoned me to follow him out the door.  "Come on, Sabine.  The parade has already started."

I hesitated.  How did he know that?  And how was an entire parade going on without the Empire knowing?  There were so many unknowns; it made the wary feeling creep back into my stomach.  I always felt that way when I was training in the Imperial Academy. Doubtful, unsure, scared. 

"Are you sure about this?" I shivered feeling the evening wind sweep through the open door to me.  But there was something unusual about the aroma- a chemical formula I recognized that was used for making... paint.  

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