CHAPTER 50 - Shocking Discoveries

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Hey Readers! Okay, so I've decided that I'll only update if each chapter gets at least 20 votes! Sorry if you don't like this but I need to get my story out there!

Hope you enjoy the chapter!


"Ron! Calm down! Start from the beginning and tell me exactly what you saw." Harry shouted, interrupting Ron's mindless babbling. He couldn't seem to find the words to explain what, or rather who, he had seen. Or at least thought he had seen. It was impossible right?

"'s impossible!" Ron exclaimed, running his fingers through his already messy red hair. Harry and Hermione groaned.

"Ron, you have to tell us or else we can't help. You can't just yell out Harry's name in the middle of the night and then look as pale as a ghost." Hermione said, looking the boy in the eyes. He nodded and thought for a few moments.

"He's back. The bloody rat is back." Ron said with a scowl. Harry and Hermione's eyes widened in shock at his words. The three looked between each other, clearly beginning to question Ron's words.

"Scabbers? How on earth is that bloody rat still alive. I'm sure Crookshanks would have gotten to him by now." Ginny asked, walking out of her and Harry's room, drying her hair with a towel and looked at the cat perched on the arm of the sofa. He growled slightly and pulled his ears back, making him look even more unappealing than usual. Ginny pulled her lips back and hissed back, making the cat jump up and run onto Hermione's lap.

"No, I refuse to believe it. I'm sure there are plenty rats running around Hogwarts. It's impossible, Pettigrew was hit by the killing curse during the war, thank Merlin for that." Hermione said, denying the possibility that he was still roaming the grounds.

"And how do you explain the missing toe, Miss I'm-so-sure-he's-dead?" Ron retorted in a childish tone, making Harry snort.

"I'm sure loads of rats have missing limbs? Right? That's a thing, right?" Hermione looked between Harry and Ginny, pleading them to agree with her, but all she got in return were raised eyebrows and pointed looks. Okay...So it wasn't a thing.

"No, rats don't walk around chopping their limbs off as if it is some tradition, Mione." Harry affirmed, making Hermione feel rather foolish. She was so desperate to make them believe it wasn't Pettigrew because there was honestly no need for anymore drama.

"Okay, call it a coincidence." Hermione tried once more but was shot off again. She huffed and threw her body backwards onto the couch. Harry and Ron looked at each other, weighing out the options they'd silently agreed on ad came to a mutual plan.

"Say now the mystery rat is indeed Pettigrew...What do we do then?" Harry set their plan of action in motion. Ask Hermione what to do. In all honesty, their plan was fool proof, after all, they did use it to win the war.

Hermione stared between the boys and threw her hands in the air. They really couldn't think for themselves, could they? Oh well, here we go again. "Can you bloody bird brains not think for yourself for once. Surely you have more than dust mites and cobwebs up there?" She said with exasperation. She stood up from the couch and walked over to the small shelf of books she had added to the dorm and scanned through their titles before finding the one she was looking for.

"If this is really the insufferable wormtail, then he must have been resurrected somehow. I saw him die with my very own eyes. There should be something about that in here somewhere." She said, talking more to herself than to anyone else. Hermione skimmed through the pages and 'aahed' when her finger fell onto the right one.

An Unexpected Twist of Fate || DramioneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang