CHAPTER 42 - Scars and Guilt

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This chapter contains parts that may upset some people. From here onwards the story becomes quite hectic.

Also, on a brighter note, DRAMIONE FEELS AHEAD!!!

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Hermione felt as though her world was crashing down around her, falling apart in pieces of misery and complete chaos. So much had happened in the few weeks that they had been back, her toleration for all the complications in her life was wearing thin.

She didn't mean to snap at Ron but after he called her the word she dreaded most, she didn't care anymore, she'd reached her breaking point. Her life was a mess and she hated it. She felt overwhelmed and, to be honest, it was breaking her.

Her face showed her emotions – rage, sadness, brokenness – as she came to a halt in front of Fred's portrait. He was busy modelling another silly invention. Even in portrait form he was still the notorious prankster he was before he died. Every night he would slip away and sneak through the other portraits and cause a ruckus. He didn't look up as he greeted her.

"Hey, 'Mione." Fred's voice was cheerful as usual. "Why aren't you in class, it's unlike you to –"

His words stopped when he finally looked up and took in the sight of an emotionally broken seventh year student. Hermione had her jaw clenched and her fists balled. Fred's mouth opened slightly as he wondered what to say. He didn't want to say the wrong thing and anger the little ticking timebomb standing in front of his portrait.

'Speak of a sticky situation... Hey, that's a good idea for a prank.' Fred's inner mischief-maker smirked evilly as the silent words popped into his prankster mind.

"What happened?" His eyes were wide by now as he finally decided on a strait forward reaction to the situation. His words were carefully planned out, she was a grenade in his hands.

"That bloody idiot blew up my potion and!" She threw her hands in the air. She looked livid. Fred's mind ran through a list of people that she would refer to as bloody idiots and the list was endless. Literally.

Well that certainly narrows it down, doesn't it?

"I've been through so much already and now this! It was a bloody test...FOR ACTUAL MARKS!" She was on the verge of an emotional breakdown. "And...he called me a m-mudblood..." She said softly after a while. Fred gasped and wished for nothing more than to jump out of his portrait and hug her tightly.

"Hermione! Don't listen to him...He's a bloody fool." Fred said, referring to Malfoy as he thought only Malfoy had the heart – or rather a lack thereof – to call her something so degrading.

"You know what, go take a warm bath. It'll help. I promise." Fred smiled softly and let her into the empty common room.

He had always acted like a brother towards her. Obnoxiously overprotective but in a loving and caring way. He always knew exactly what to say and it made Hermione feel special. Sure, Harry and Ron treated her similarly but Fred, he had a way of making her feel truly loved and cared for. She always felt safe with him.

It almost killed her when he died. The pain was unbearable for the first few weeks. It felt like a piece of her soul had been ripped away mercilessly and she was left to mend the broken part alone. When she saw him in the portrait...memories flew back and suddenly she felt somewhat whole again.

For the first time, Hermione Granger didn't know what to do.

The portrait shut behind her and she walked to the bathroom with heavy stomps. She looked into the bathroom mirror and sighed defeatedly. Her hair was terribly frizzy and her rosy cheeks were now stained with the remains of the explosion and her tears.

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