CHAPTER 43 - When Hell Comes To Earth

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There were a few gasps as Ron entered the Great Hall and walked through the gap between the Gryffindor and Slytherin house tables. He could feel the eyes of every student and professor burning into him as he made his way to his seat. The aftermath of Draco's cauldron explosion and Hermione's slug hex was clinging to him like a nasty parasite.

There was dry and hardened slug slime on both corners of his lips and a bit on the front of his school pullover and tie as well. His face was covered in the dust and debris of the explosion and despite his attempts on wiping it off, the black and grey ash stood in total contrast with his freckled cheeks.

Harry nudged Ginny with an amused grin and nodded towards her brother approaching the Gryffindor table with his head held low and his gaze stuck to the ground. She had to cover her mouth with her hand to stop herself from laughing at her brother who was in an obvious state of discomfort and utter embarrassment. Her blue eyes trailed up and down his body, taking in his messy appearance.

What on earth happened? She thought to herself in an amused shock.

A silent buzz of whispers ran through the hall. Ron had to admit, it wasn't his finest day. He grunted roughly and dropped his schoolbag on the floor behind his seat as he sat down between his gawping sister and Harry.

"Merlin, Ron. What happened? You look terrible!" Ginny asked, taking in her brother's filthy robes and face.

He glared at his sister with clear annoyance in his eyes and started dishing up as much food as his lunch plate could hold. The other students in the hall pulled their eyes away from Ron and continued whatever it was they were doing before his entrance.

Harry got up and went to sit beside Ginny once more, trying to move away from Ron not only because of the dreadful smell, but also because he was furious at what he had said to Hermione. Who the hell does he think he is?

Ginny looked at Harry with confusion in her eyes. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, explaining what went down in class, from the potion explosion, to the hexes and ending with the horrid remark Ron made to Hermione. By the end of his lengthy explanation, Ginny was shaking with fury and looked ready to blow.

"RONALD WEASLEY YOU BLOODY INCONSIDERATE FOOL! HOW DARE YOU!" Ginny's voice bellowed through the room and everything fell silent. All eyes were on her. The fuming redhead got to her feet and pulled Ron up with her. The two siblings stood face to face and Ginny raised her hand.

In the deafening silence of the Great Hall, the slap Ginny planted on her brother's cheek sounded like a gunshot being fired at minimum range. A few gasps were heard and suddenly the professors were on their feet – but Ginny didn't care.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT, RONALD?" She asked furiously, but he only gave her a bored look.

"Truth hurts, doesn't it, Gin?" He replied blankly. He wanted to kick himself, he didn't know what the hell he was doing. This wasn't him. He wanted to run to Hermione and beg for forgiveness not dig the hole of her hatred for him any deeper like he was doing now.

"You are not the brother I knew!" She said with tears in her eyes. "I don't know this person anymore." She said and began punching into his chest furiously.

It was true, something about Ron was different and she didn't know what it was. He had changed ever since the night Hermione claimed to see something in the common room. Nothing about the boy standing in front of her was familiar, he was cold and heartless. He wasn't Ron.

"No Ginny, I've realized what is actually going on and I am picking the winning side." He spat with harsh words. Ginny just kept on pounding her fist into his chest, as if trying to get her brother back from the thing that stole his true soul.

An Unexpected Twist of Fate || DramioneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora