CHAPTER 17 - Forest Encounters and Fatal Endings

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Hermione lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling with blank eyes. Her mind was void of happiness and she felt torn apart by her emotions. She sighed and got out of bed, grabbing her slippers and coat. She walked down the stairs and left the common room.

The world outside was calling for her. Her lungs needed air to stop the burning suffocation of her thoughts and she just had an urge to leave.

She walked through the corridors and the cold air of the night finally greeted her. The cool breeze wisped through her hair as she walked through the gardens and into the forest, not caring about the rule.

It was forbidden, but since when did she follow rules?

The moon lit the way for her as she ventured further into the dark trees. She didn't know where she was going or why her feet were leading her somewhere, but she just had the urge to go to a certain place in the forest.

The silence was interrupted by sniffles and groans.

She felt a heaviness on her heart and moved towards the sound. What she saw shocked her as much as it hurt her; Draco Malfoy was crying. He was actually expressing his emotions.

Hermione was torn between running away and avoiding unnecessary trouble or running to him and comforting him.

Of course, she chose the latter.

"Malfoy?" Hermione whispered softly. The sniffles stopped and he looked up at her.

"I don't want your pity, Granger! Just leave!" His voice was vociferous. Hermione flinched at his tone but walked closer to him anyway.

"Malfoy, I–"

"I told you to bloody leave! Are you deaf?" He screamed and pulled on his hair. He grunted in frustration.

Hermione felt no pity for him, none at all. She glared at him and stood her ground. "I am not leaving, Malfoy." She said in a surprisingly calm voice.

He gave a harsh, derisive laugh.

They were in the same situation, both damned to be together and both part of the same prophecy. Whether he liked it or not, they were stuck with each other.

"In case you haven't noticed, Malfoy, we are both in the same situation! I am stuck with you and you are stuck with me. Whether you like or not, we are in this together." She snarled, her anger growing.

She was lighting a fire.

"Look, Granger. The prophecy might state that we are soulmates but you and I both know very well that that is a load of codswallop. We were born into two different worlds, different statuses. You are still the same filth you always were under my shoe; you are still nothing but a worthless Mudblood! You mean nothing to me! Just because we are predestined to save the bloody world doesn't mean that I am going to do that!" He drawled.

His rejection burned deep within her. She was hurt. All she wanted to do was comfort him and let him know that he wasn't alone in this, but he rejected her. He pushed her away and stomped all over her fragile soul - she was a delicate rose in the hands of someone with no intention of keeping her. He broke her heart and it wasn't even his to destroy.

Or so she thought.

Hermione flinched at "mudblood" but she didn't let it tear her confidence. She'd spent too many years crying about his childish remarks to let her guard down now. She needed to be strong. Her life was slowly becoming hell but she wasn't going down without a fight. Not this time. Not ever.

"The marriage law means nothing to me. YOU mean nothing to me! We will wed but don't think I'll treat you differently. NOW LEAVE!" He yelled, looking at Hermione with red eyes. The glowing orbs sent a shiver down Hermione's spine but she quickly shrugged it off.

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