CHAPTER 16 - A Future Malfoy

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"Wait!" Dumbledore interrupted the minister before he started the sorting.

The minister turned to look at the headmaster.

"Before you are paired there is something that the minister has overlooked. I find it of great importance to acknowledge the small but significant detail," he paused, addressing the students. "The goblet is intended to seek out and pair soulmates. Keep that in mind. Let the sorting begin." He said, giving the minister no room to object.

There was an unrecognizable emotion in the minister's eyes.

A lonely breeze blew through the great hall, blowing out the lights and welcoming darkness into the room. The purple flames grew stronger and brighter and finally the parchment bearing the names of the first pairing flew from the dancing fire. The paper drifted through the air and into the hands of the minister.

"Justin Finch-Fletchley and Daphne Greengrass!" The room remained silent as the two nodded, remaining in the crowd.

Fortunately, the students were not required to come forward and stay with their partners, that would happen after the pairing ceremony.

The second parchment emerged from the flames and landed in the hands of the minister.

"Seamus Finnigan and Parvati Patil!" Seamus and Parvati were both relieved.

"Dean Thomas and Cho Chang!"

"Ernie Macmillan and Millicent Bulstrode!" Ernie, a Hufflepuff in seventh year, let out a dreadful groan.

"You've got to be joking, right? Do you have any idea of what this woman has done to me for eight bloody years? I was her personal punching bag!" Millicent Bulstrode glared at the wide-eyed boy from the corner of her eye, daring him to say another word.

"Neville Longbottom and Hannah Abbot!" Hermione felt a warm happiness in her heart for Neville. She hoped that he would at least get a happy ending. He'd already lost so much in his life, he was broken in many, many ways but his soul was built on strength and courage.

"Theodore Nott and Susan Bones!"

"Harry Potter–" Harry pulled Ginny tighter against his chest and they both closed their eyes. The next name could make or break them. Ginny's heart was heavy. "and Ginny Weasley!" Smiles invaded their previously glum faces. Harry moved his hand to her cheek, wiping away her tears and place a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Terry Boot and Padma Patil!"

"Blaise Zabini and Luna Lovegood!" Both students were at peace now. They had been secretly hoping that they would be paired together, their midnight meetings revealed hidden feelings.

"Gregory Goyle and Mandy Brocklehurst!"

"Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger!" Everyone – students, professors and even the minister – paused with shock. They looked up for a brief moment, looking at the two students. Hermione felt the blood drain from her cheeks and her heart plummet to the ground.

It was as if a brick was thrown into the pit of her stomach. Draco was paler than normal, his eyes dark and blank.

Hermione turned her body into Ron's, seeking comfort. She'd been married off to her biggest enemy by the minister himself. She didn't understand what she had done to deserve this dreadful future. Hermione was thrown at him like an object, her heart in the hands of someone with no intention of keeping it. Someone who desired to make her life a living hell. Someone she didn't love.

Ron rubbed her back gently, disappointment flashing in his eyes. He was devastated that he would never get the chance to prove himself worthy of her love. He had just gotten her and now she slipped away - no, she was torn away.

Although he was hurt, he knew he had to let her, and his feelings for her, go. He would be there for her regardless of whether the ferret was her partner or not. To him, something was better than nothing.

The next paper flew from the rising flames.

"Ronald Weasley and Pansy Parkinson!" Ron ceased his movements. His body grew stiff as he replayed the minister's words in his head.

"WHAT?" Pansy shrieked after a few seconds. "You're telling me that I have to live with...that! Are you bloody mental?" A few scoffs sounded in the room - of course they're mental. "Are you saying that the bloody goblet thinks that he –" she pointed to Ron dramatically with disgust evident in her tone, "Is my soulmate? This is a joke, right?" Her eyes were set ablaze with a furious rage.

"Miss Parkinson, control yourself!" McGonagall scolded with a strict voice. The fuming Slytherin rolled her eyes, glaring at her with malice.

The list of names carried on until every student had lost their freedom to love who they chose.

The hearts of most were heavy and cold. Harry and Ginny were relieved, Ron was furious and speechless and Hermione was trapped in a raging hurricane of all emotions the mind and soul could feel. The rest of the students all wore similar expressions of both shock and fear with a flash of either relief or anger.

Hermione's mind was running wild.

She was scared of her future, their marriage and the prophecy. She was heartbroken that she had been forcefully torn away from Ron, who loved her very much. She was furious that her heart was thrown into the hands of someone who saw it as nothing, someone who thought of her as less than the filth under his shoe. But, she was relieved for a reason that she couldn't describe.

"Very well. I will go through the conditions of this law in a moment, but for now I would like all the partners to come forward sign the acceptance certificate. If you do choose to decline this law, say so now." The minister eyed the students.

"Sounds bloody tempting to me!" Ron scoffed under his breath, receiving glares from Harry, Ginny and Hermione.

He shrugged. "Honestly, this is torture! Azkaban sounds like paradise compared to this!" He pointed out.

"Ron, I'm doomed to marry Malfoy. The ferret is my bloody soulmate! Nonsense if you ask me." Hermione defended, trying to reason with him.

"As I was saying..." The minister continued, annoyed by their rude interruption. "The marriage law states that you are to be married by April next year – which gives you all eight months to propose, plan and organise a marriage. You will have the option of immediately eloping at the ministry with a wedding ceremony. After the ceremony deadline, you will be given two years to have children. This will ensure the building of our population. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in the loss of magic as well as memories." He finished, bidding the students a good night.

"So, what happens now?" Ginny gulped.

Harry shrugged looking to Ron and Hermione with sympathy. They had really received the short end of the stick this time.

Ron sighed and was pulled into a hug by Hermione. "I'm sorry Ron. I wish it had been different, I do love you." She confessed in a whisper.

"Me too, Mione. Me too." He relaxed in her arms, breathing in her calm scent. She had always been able to calm others; it was her talent. The world was a mess but they stood strong together. They could only hope that things would somehow get better.

"We've officially hit rock bottom. we can only go up." Hermione sighed.



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