CHAPTER 20 - He Cares

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Ginny froze, the world around her stopped spinning. Her heart thumped erratically in her chest. She felt as though her lungs had just collapsed and every cell in her body was on fire.

"I-I'm s-sorry, what d-did y-you say?" She struggled to speak as her voice was nothing but air.

Professor McGonagall placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a loving look. "I'm afraid there is nothing we can do, we can keep her alive but only for so long. Waking her up from the coma is up to someone else. She is fighting, Ginny. It's a wonder that she is still alive."

Ginny's eyes were tearing up and soon the first drop of pain and sorrow rolled down her pale cheeks. Her legs were weak and her head was paining. Her legs collapsed under her and she fell into a kneeling position, her head in her hands as her whole body shook violently with every sob.

Blaise didn't know what to say or how to handle the situation. "Professor, I'm sorry but I have to go. I need time." He whimpered.

Professor McGonagall nodded. "Yes, of course, the two of you have the day off. Please don't say too much about this."

Ginny couldn't find the strength to stand so she stayed there for a while. Once she had enough strength, she got up and left. Her heart was shattered into thousands of pieces but she kept in mind that Hermione wasn't dead yet.

She could still fight. She will.


"Harry, where have you been? Breakfast is almost over, mate!" Ron informed him. Harry explained that he had left something in his room and had to go get it.

"So, what do you think the final arrangements for the law will be? It can't get much worse than this." Seamus asked.

Ron laughed sickeningly. "Trust me, Seamus. It can get MUCH worse. They can make us bloody live with each other! Imagine that disaster." Ron drawled in so much distaste that the students around him flinched.

"I wouldn't mind, you know." Harry winked, only infuriating Ron even more. "That's my sister you're talking about!" he snapped but Harry only laughed.

"I'm only joking Ron, lighten up a bit, yeah? Where is Ginny, anyway. She's been gone for quite a while now." The boys looked around for her.

"Hermione's gone as well! D'you think they're together somewhere, what's the chances of them both being gone at the same time and not being together?" Neville suggested. The three boys scoffed.

"Neville, mate, these girls are different. I swear they're a bloody species of their own." The table laughed at Seamus' remark.

"Right you are." Ron said, sounding a bit calmer.

Ginny was currently sitting on her bed, surrounded by tissues and balling her eyes out. She contemplated going to see her friend but knew that she wouldn't be strong enough to handle it. She'd seen so many horrible things in life; sickness, death, evil – but this was something that even she couldn't handle.

Hermione was like a sister to her... No. She was her sister. Together they cried, laughed, gossiped and fought the world's most dangerous wizard. They'd lost so much together but now they might lose each other and that broke little Ginny. Sure, she was fearless and could speak her mind – even at the worst times possible – but now she was like a fragile little kitten.


Draco opened his eyes and was blinded by the morning sun shining through the window. He looked around and noticed that he was in the infirmary with a still unconscious Hermione in the bed next to his. He studied her face. Despite the pain she felt, her features were relaxed and soft. She looked at peace, and it broke him even more. Her skin was unblemished but there was a small scar above her eyebrow that he had never noticed. Probably from the war.

Even with her scars, outside and inside, she was stronger than anyone he knew. His life was messed up beyond words, but she could fix him if he allowed. She didn't deserve someone like him, she deserved someone better. Someone capable of love.

That person was not him.

He watched as her chest moved up and down with every breath she took. She was pale, he missed the rosiness of her cheeks. He got up and walked towards her bed, making sure that no one was around to see his actions. Slowly, he sat beside her and looked at her for a while. He reached for her hand but it was cold. He pulled her hand into his lap, holding it in his while playing with her fingers. He could feel the pain in him.

He watched her intently and raised his free hand to brush the stray curls away from her face, tucking them behind her ear. Her beauty was pure. She had plenty flaws but they made her beautiful, perfectly flawed.

His eyes suddenly felt teary and he tried to hold them back but failed. His emotions were out of control and all over the place. He'd never felt something this raw and beautiful yet dangerously deadly before.

She didn't deserve this. She deserves a life of happiness and love not war and sorrow. He doesn't deserve her. The hate he felt for her over all these years was fading, he is changing. It seems like you have to lose someone to understand how much they actually mean to you.

Pain has a way of opening your darkest and deepest doors, opening your eyes, opening your heart. Pain demands to be felt, and bloody hell, he can feel it now. She wasn't less than him... Hermione was so much more than him.

A tear escaped. He was so vulnerable when he was with her, she broke his walls. He hated her for it, but he loved her for it as well. He wanted to deny it so much but he couldn't; he cared for her, more than what he wanted to admit. He had to stay away from her but the damn law forced them together, ruining her life and all hopes for a happily ever after.

His stray tear fell from his face and onto her hand. He couldn't be here anymore, it was too much. He leaned over to her and pressed the lightest kiss to her forehead.

"I'm so sorry Hermione."



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