CHAPTER 3 - The Announcement

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It was the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The war had ended and all seemed to be in its rightful place again... This could be the fresh start Draco had been longing for.

Draco was forced into taking an oath - the dark mark - by his emotionally abusive father and deranged aunt. They said he would be a disgrace to the Malfoy family name if he refused the gift the Dark Lord so generously offered. Draco scoffed. The only thing that so called "gift" did was cause him pain and gained him a lot of hatred from everyone.

Inside the great hall, a welcoming ambiance hung in the air, despite it being the home of the war. It had always been like a second home to Draco, but he would never admit that to anyone other than himself.

He watched as the young, innocent first years got sorted into their houses. Some were happy, some were sad and some had no expression at all. Draco thought back his first night at Hogwarts. The Sorting Hat had barely touched his platinum head of hair before it declared him a Slytherin member.

Gryffindor and Slytherin, as usual, gained to most new students with Ravenclaw coming in a close second and Hufflepuff last. He wondered if things would be different between the houses this year. Maybe a change in attitude would do the place wonders.

Sighing deeply, Draco let his eyes wonder around the buzzing hall. Students were laughing and smiling while they spoke to their friends and hugs were exchanged between giggling girls while the guys only gave each other high fives, pats on the back or a simple nod of the head. All of a sudden, nostalgia for the times before the war ruined it all, hit him.

Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat, "Welcome! Welcome to another year back at Hogwarts. I'm sure some of you are shocked to see me standing before you. Yes, I did indeed die that night but somehow my old friend, Nicholas Flamel, was able to restore the philosopher's stone and bring me back. What happened last year is a great tragedy, let us take a moment to remember those we have lost."

Draco looked around as the smiles worn by the students fell and sullen looks covered their faces. The war brought devastation to all, including him.

"Well then, need I remind you that the forbidden forest is out of bounds and Mr Filch asks that you refrain from the third corridor. With that been said, let the feast begin!" Dumbledore exclaimed, opening his arms widely. With those words the empty plates on the table before them filled with all sorts of foods and delicacies.

Draco looked around at the students who had returned. He found a few familiar faces in the crowd, most of which were looking glum and sad after Dumbledore's speech. His wandering eyes fell upon a certain bushy-haired bookworm sitting next to the weasel's sister. The Weaslette nudged her friend and whispered something, making Hermione turn to face Draco.

He noticed that her frizzy hair had tamed. He also noticed few things that he had taken no care to acknowledge before the defeat of Voldemort. Her eyes, however, were void of their usual sparkle – a fiery glint of determination and passion. They looked dull and empty. He quickly snapped out of his trance when he realised he had been staring and averted his eyes. Blaise and Pansy were sitting next to him, discussing things Draco took no interest in.

"What's gotten into you, mate?" Blaise asked, "You've been awfully quiet ever since we arrived at Hogwarts."

Draco turned to his friend and gave him a blank look.

"Nothing Blaise, I'm just a bit shook by the memories that's all." Blaise looked like he didn't buy it, he secretly knew that there was more on his troubled friend's mind, but he thought it best to drop it.

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