CHAPTER 2 - Staring Ferrets

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Ron muttered the reverse spell and helped Harry up. "Are you OK Harry?" Ron asked with concern. Despite being accustomed to the sight of Harry sporting an injury, he couldn't stop himself from worrying.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, Ron. It's not like my nose is shattered and my shirt is completely drenched in blood!" Harry said, sarcasm dripping from each word.

Ron put his hands up innocently, "Just asking, mate."

Harry managed to sit up straight, fixing his glasses and running his hand through his dishevelled dark hair. He patted down his robes, trying to find a tissue or handkerchief to slow the bleeding.

Ron quickly reached into his back pocket and retrieved his wand again. He pointed it straight at Harry's nose and at that moment, all the failed spells and the damage Ron had caused over the past few years at Hogwarts flashed through Harry's mind.

"Ron, as much as I appreciate it, don't you think it would be best if we leave the bone fixing to Hermione?" Harry pleaded nervously. Snape was right when he said that Ron could cause devastation with even the simplest of spells.

To Harry's relief, Ron chuckled, agreeing, and put his wand back into his pocket, "Right. Good idea mate."

Finally, after thorough patting, Harry managed to grab hold of a tissue hidden deep in the inner pocket of his robe and covered his nose with it to effectively halt the stream of blood. The two boys walked back to the compartment where Ginny and Hermione were anxiously waiting.

"Harry! Where on earth have the two of you been? I've been worried sick. What happened to your nose?" Hermione spoke incoherently fast as she ran over to Harry, casting a quick Episkey to heal his broken nose. Again.

Ginny simply shook her head and asked, "Why is it that you're always bleeding?" The four friends settled down again and Hermione reached for her book once more.

"You and you're books. You know," Ron paused, rubbing his slightly stubbled chin in thought, "I think that our lives would make for an excellent novel, don't you? All our deadly experiences with the boy-who-lived and refused to die," He said, proud of his idea.

"Don't be daft, Ronald," Hermione retorted from behind her book, not bothering to raise her eyes and look at the redhead who still wore a proud grin.

Ginny and Harry smiled at the two of them. They would be great together.

"Look! There's Hogwarts! It's still as breath-taking as before the war." Ginny squealed. Hermione groaned. She was just about to finish her book but packed it away and gathered her carry bags.

"Come on, let's go."

The four of them made their way to the front of the train as it came to a stop. The doors opened and outside stood a large, bearded man, shadowing the children from the moonlight.

"Hagrid!" Harry exclaimed in excitement.

"'Ello Harry! Glad teh see ya came back!" Hagrid spoke in his thick Irish accent. The golden trio ran to hug their half-giant friend. "Ah, Ginny. I see ya doin' well?" Hagrid noticed Ginny standing awkwardly to the side. She smiled and gave a small nod. She wasn't as close to Hagrid as Hermione, Ron and Harry were.

After their little meet and greet, they walked over to the carriages, watching as the first years boarded their little boats. "Do you remember our first boat ride?" Ron asked. Hermione and Harry remembered it quite well, they were so excited to start schooling at the magical Hogwarts.

Those were the days when everything was almost easy, besides the fact that they had to take down a mountain troll in their first year and help Harry fight off Voldemort every year after.

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