CHAPTER 23 - New Living Arrangements

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A couple of days have passed since the announcement of the law and there was already a small improvement in the moods of some students. It wasn't all bad for some people, there was a handful of lucky students who got paired with partners they either know, like or have become close with.

Then there were the marriage partners like Ron and Pansy or Draco and Hermione; complete nightmares and a disaster waiting to happen. The goblet of fire sure threw out a few peculiar pairings. It seems it only added fuel to the fire burning between the couples at feud (no pun intended).

The tension in the great hall during meals had eventually faded away as the students came to accept the law that had been forced upon them, but that did not mean that they were happy about it either.

The Gryffindor table held new life in it, they were visibly cheerful and calmer. Ginny and Hermione were laughing about silly things while Ron and Harry discussed their Quidditch techniques for the year.

It was almost like the old times. Almost.

"I still can't believe it, you know." Ginny sighed.

"What?" Hermione laughed at her friends dreamy gaze.

"You and Harry. Isn't it lovely?" She sighed again. Ginny and Harry were practically dying from their fatal infection of the deadly virus called love. Bleh.

"You say that every day, Gin." Hermione giggled.

For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Hermione considered herself happy. Her cheeks held colour once more and the sparkle in her chocolate eyes had returned. Even if she was forced to marry Malfoy, she decided that she wasn't going make her life even more miserable by suffering in self-pity.

"How are you feeling, Mione?" Rona asked with genuine sincerity.

Hermione smiled. "I'm much better, Ron. Don't worry about me too much, okay?" She spoke softly. He showed so much care for her, one would swear they were paired in the marriage law and actually loved each other.

"Okay." He returned sweetly.

Dinner ended after a while and Dumbledore moved forward to the podium.

"Can all the sixth- and seventh-year students remain behind after the younger years have left?" There were groans in the air. What now?

"What d'you think this is about?" Ron asked.

"I'll give you one guess." Seamus huffed. Ron rolled his eyes and muttered "marriage law" and Seamus nodded.

Hermione grabbed another cinnamon bun and crossed her legs, looking to the front. The younger students left the great hall slowly. Once they were all gone Dumbledore cleared his throat again.

"Someone get that man a bloody glass of water." Ginny drawled. Hermione elbowed her, laughing.

"Students, the minister is here to discuss the law in further detail." He welcomed the currently most hated person.

"It never ends, does it? What could they possibly want now! Pet adoption? Furniture shopping? House hunting? I hate the ministry." Ron scoffed.

"I bet they want us to sign Hermione's spew petition." Dean added snidely, earning a few snickers from the Gryffindors around him.

"It's S.P.E.W, Dean. Not spew." Hermione retorted with an offended glare.

They all knew the happiness was about to die, the funeral only moments away.

"Hello once again, students! There are certain details we failed to discuss on the night of the sorting. I hope all is well so far." Students shot daggers at him. "Err...OK then. The ministry and I have decided that we shall be giving you all tasks to complete that will help you ease into the process. They will be quite simple." He finished.

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