CHAPTER 7 - A New Threat

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Friday night rolled in and before they knew it, their first week of their last school year was over, and that meant that the announcement of the new law was nearing.

The seventh- and sixth-year students could feel the tension between some of the professors whenever it was brought up, clearly nobody wanted to discuss it at all. It was a touchy subject to the professors and that only confused the students even more than they already were.

Hermione was busy completing her potions essay while Harry tried to hide the fact that he was copying her. Hermione saw right through it, of course, but just let him do it because she was tired of having to fight with the boys about them doing it themselves.

"Hermione are you going to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Ron asked hesitantly. Hermione took no notice of his nervous state and simply nodded. Ron drew in an audible breath before asking the question he'd been wanting to for so long now.

"So, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to join me for a butterbeer today? I mean, you don't have to say yes if you don't want too, I'll understand if you don't want to go wi–"

Hermione cut Ron's mindless babbles off by shaking him on his firm shoulders. "Ron! I'd love to go with you." Hermione laughed, considering it adorable that he had been so scared to ask her.

Ron sighed in great relief and sat on the couch talking to her about complete nonsense for what felt like hours.

Ginny, however, was on a mission of her own.

She was roaming the corridors on search for Blaise, wanting to end their tiring game of hide-and-seek. She still hadn't managed to get him alone to talk about the law and how they would go about the plan to ensure Hermione and Draco's safety. Never in a million years did Ginny think that she would be given the task to save her best friend and their Slytherin enemy with Malfoy's best mate... In fact, if someone were to tell her this, she'd have told them they're mental and have them admitted to a mental disability facility immediately.

This year was getting stranger by the minute. Time was running out and if they didn't talk soon something might go wrong. Well...either way something would most likely go wrong anyway.

The redhead turned around a corner and finally found the person she had been looking for, but he wasn't alone. By his side, staring into his eyes with striking adoration, was her Ravenclaw friend, Luna Lovegood.

"What the hell..." she muttered in a very quiet voice. What was going on with the world... This was not normal. The greatest shock came when she noticed that Zabini held a similar look in his eyes.

She was NOT going to get involved in a romantic situation with Luna and Blaise. That would just be the cherry on Ginny's cake of disbelief. Ginny groaned and decided to give up and let nature take its course, which judging by what she had seen today, was questionable to say the least.

She walked back to the common room with a defeated face. She whispered the password and the portrait opened revealing Hermione fast asleep in the arms of her snoring brother.

Ginny shook her head and decided that she had witnessed was enough weirdness for one day...scratch that, she'd witnessed enough weirdness to last her a lifetime. Climbing into her warm bed, she fell into another dreamless slumber.

Morning came around quickly and Ron and Hermione were ready to head out to Hogsmeade.

"OK, I just have to go to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop to buy some school supplies... I forgot mine on my bed at home. Then after that we can head to the Three Broomsticks for the butterbeer if you want to?" Ron said to Hermione as they walked through the doors of the big castle.

"Sounds good! I have to get some quills anyway." Came Hermione's reply.

After they finished their shopping spree at the stationary shop they headed to The Three Broomsticks. They sat at a small table in the corner of the pub, drinking the beverage and laughing loudly.

Hermione was having a good time in the company of Ron, maybe this was the beginning of something more... Ron was relieved when she agreed to go with him, he had his doubts, but Harry had made a fair point.

For hours upon hours – or so it felt – they were laughing and talking and just having fun. Hermione and Ron seemed to click with each other. Eventually they returned back to their common room and found Harry sitting in front of the fire with a book in his hands. He was becoming more and more like Hermione each day. Ron and his date both wore beaming smiles on their faces as they said their goodnights and parted ways.

"So, I take it that went well?" Harry asked smugly from the corner where he was hidden from Ron and Hermione's sight.

Ron jumped in fright and turned to his friend with the nosy ears. "Bloody hell Harry! You can't do that to a person! Yes, that went very well..." Ron trailed off.

"Good." Harry smiled.

"Now come on, let's go do something." Harry said, grabbing Ron's hands and dragged him out of the common room. The two boys walked to Hagrid's hut and barged straight in, not bothering to knock. The place was completely and utterly ransacked, Hagrid was nowhere to be seen.

"Uhm...Harry..." Ron said uneasily. Harry, however, was paying no attention to his scared friend and continued his search of the trashed shack.

"Harry..." Ron trailed off again. Harry, again, payed no attention to him, but heard his whine. "HARRY!" Ron screamed.

"Bloody Hell Ron! Wha–" Harry's words were cut short when he saw the sight before him.

Ron was pointed to the ceiling with a pale face and shivering hands. Fear ran through his veins as he stared at the blood dripping through the roof of the once homey hut.

But that wasn't all... hidden in a dark corner of the hut was a huge spider staring directly at the fear-stricken boys with multiple red eyes.

Ron went stiff at the sight of the huge creature. His fear of spiders acting up.

"Ron...move backwards very slowly..." Harry whispered but got no reaction. "Ron..." he tried again but alas; no movement came from the redhead. Harry moved backwards, his hand reaching for Ron, but his eyes stayed fixed on the giant spider. His hand grabbed onto Ron's jacket and Harry guided him out.

It was going well until...CRASH! Ron had bumped a glass off of the table and the spider immediately moved closer.

Ron and Harry gulped.



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Edited: 25/07/2020

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