Chapter 17

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I am looking back at this story and realized that this is no story...

It's a disaster.  

But I'm still going to continue this story since it makes me laugh just looking at it.  Plus, this was my first book to ever get added to someone's reading list, so it's special.  Hopefully, the story will only improve from now on.


Bella's POV

I glanced at my reunited family. My heart was swelling with happiness. With love.

I thought of Susan back home. Oh, how much I missed her, too! Was she all alone? With no one to protect her?

As I pondered, my gaze swept the clearing. My brown eyes locked with Rose's blue eyes. We fought a silent battle, not backing down. Finally, Rose looked away.

Feeling a bit guilty and ashamed, I lowered my head to the ground, where Lucky had too, fallen asleep. Closing my eyes blissfully, I surrendered to the lull of sleep.

Unfortunately, in what had seemed like minutes, I was probed awake by tiny paws. Smiling internally, I lay there, keeping up with the ruse.

"Shush! You're going to wake her!"

"Mom looks so funny when she's sleeping."

"I'm hungry."

Suddenly I jumped up, the pups squealing as they ran away. I chuckled as they tripped over their paws trying to get away. I stood up, nudging Lucky and he woke up. I nodded towards the running pups and he got the idea. We both smiled and ran after them, well, it was more like trotting after them. From the corner of my eye, I could see Rose watching on with jealousy.  I ignored her and focused on my family.

After all of the trouble, things were finally perfect.  Family is all you have when you got nothing.

Beta lagged behind, squealing indignantly.  "Hey!  That's no fair!  I'm the runt!"  Lucky chuckled, overhearing.  

"You may be the runt, but we're your parents," I said.  I picked up Beta by the scruff and ran even faster.

"HAHA, YOU PUNKS!" Beta cried.  Love did a double-take and burst out laughing.  The animals gave us a wide berth as we ran.  I haven't had this much fun since being dognapped by those crazy people.

The pups finally stopped and Oreo padded up to me.  "I'm hungry!" he whined.  Lucky perked up at this.

"Can I finally show off my hunting skills?" he asked.  I laughed and nodded.  Lucky ran off to who knows where and returned with a rabbit.  Ooh, raw meat.  I gotta try this.

"Alright puppies, there's your food.  It's time I start to wean you."  Junior was the first to sniff the unusual piece of food before him.  Sun and Moon walked forwards together; those two were inseparable.

As a family, we walked towards the herd of animals.  It was a bit odd seeing so many species together, but there was a sense of familiarity among them.  Lucky sat down and the pups followed.  Lucky gave me a nervous grin.

"I believe it is time for introductions."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 27, 2019 ⏰

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