Chapter 4

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We walked back to the classroom in a line. We got to play for some time after eating, and it was great! So many kids!

I saw Lucky again, and he nodded in my direction.

My heart skipped a beat. I lowered my head in newfound shyness. I sat back down near Susan's feet.

More people, and students, were treating her more respectfully now.

I saw Lucky creep away from his awful master. He licked my ear.

"Who were you talking to at lunch?" he asked.

"Oh, it's no one important. Just a fake dog."

When he looked at me weirdly, I told him what I meant. He chuckled softly.

"You're so pretty."

"I know," I joked.

We talked for the rest of the class. We talked about our future, etc.

Too soon, the bell rang and the students started cleaning up. Lucky walked back to his owner unnoticed.

Somehow, Susan stayed behind as the rest of the kids left. Susan walked up to the person who I now know is the teacher, and asked her some questions.

While they talked, I walked up to this big white screen. A whiteboard, I thought.

I lifted my paw and touched it, but accidentally knocked down a marker.

I saw that it had a cap. Like a regular curious dog, I put the marker in my paws and tugged at the cap. It came out with a whoosh and I now held the marker in my jaws.

I drew some things down on the whiteboard. Almost immediately, a whole alphabet appeared in my head, making me know every human word possible! Amazed at this, I drew down this:


"What the..."

I turned around with the marker still in my clutch. The teacher and Susan were staring at me, surprised.

"Did I just see that dog...?" the teacher asked.

"Yes, yes you did," Susan said in a weak voice.

Uh oh. I wrote down that on the whiteboard.

"Susan, I want to help your family. Bring Bella to school tomorrow."

"Yes, Mrs. G."

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