Chapter 8

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Susan and her parents came home to see me nursing six puppies and Lucky standing guard.

They just stood there, gaping.

"PUPPIES!" Susan squealed.

One of my pups whimpered at the sudden noise, and I quickly reassured her.

"Can we name them, Mom?" Susan begged.

I looked at her. I can name my own children, thank you! I tucked my precious litter deeper into my belly.

"So, about that question. Can I name all of them?" Lucky whispered.

"Lucky! No, you can NOT name all of them! I want to name some too," I scolded playfully.

"Fine, then can I name most of them? Like, five for me and one for you!" he joked.

I glared at him.

"Ok, ok. Can we name one Lucky Jr.? please?!" he huffed.

I chuckled. "No, not Lucky Jr. But we can name one Junior." (This one's for Jade)

Lucky pouted.

"You can name the twins!" I tried to cheer him up.

"It's obviously Sun and Moon! They're like two forces! Duh," Lucky said proudly.

I nodded thoughtfully. Nice names for my pups.

Susan came up to us and touched Moon. I snarled defensively. My pups are too young to be touched by humans!

I'm going to be the best mother ever! And Lucky will be the best father.

I looked at the wiggling puppies fondly. Feeling tired, I told Lucky that I was going to rest for a while.

I closed my eyes, falling asleep with dreams of the cat helping me. It was weird dreaming about a cat, but I guess they're ok.

What was her name again?


I then dreamt about the pups chasing butterflies. I woke up in what felt like ten minutes later. But in reality, it was a few hours.

I saw Susan bringing me a bowl of dog food. Reluctantly, I left my bed and gobbled up the food quickly.

The puppies whined, begging for milk. They fed hungrily.

It felt weird that I was now a mother, and I was just a pup last year.

Life moves so fast. What will happen next? My pups being full grown? Having mates? Being kidnapped?

I laughed at the last one. It seemed soooo ridiculous.

Yet I didn't know how true it was.

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