Chapter 7

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At first, Lucky gaped at me. Then he spun around in so many circles that I got really dizzy.

"Wait, you're for real? What will we name them?" he woofed.

"Lucky, calm down. They won't be coming for another eight weeks," I laughed.

He pressed his muzzle against mine. "I'm so happy."

We then rested for the rest of the day.


I woke up groggily. There, at the front of the house, was Susan.

"Sweetie, whose dog is that?" Mom asked.

Susan walked up to us and Lucky jerked awake. She looked at his collar.

"Wait, this is Christopher's dog. I recognize you from Bring Your Pet to School Day!" she gasped.

Uh oh.

Lucky and I exchanged grieve glances. "You should tell her. She deserves to know."

I sighed.

Grabbing a piece of paper and pencil in my jaw, I started to write out a message.


Susan, Mom, and Dad gaped at me. Mom and dad looked happy, but Susan looked between surprised and a little sad.

"I won't judge Lucky to be like his... owner. I'm happy for you guys!" she finally said.

I sighed in relief. I'm going to enjoy what I can, for now.

Eight weeks later...

I am near my due date. My pups would be born any day now. I AM NO NERVOUS!

Lucky has been here more often now. Always fetching what I need, sometimes bringing Christopher along.

Luckily, Christopher didn't bully Susan in front of Mom and dad. Kids are always different around their parents. It's weird. It's like they're trying to hide something.

Enough talk about kids. I feel a great pain coming. I tore up some newsletters and scattered them all over the place. I began to pace anxiously. A great spasm embraced me.

I whined in pain. Oh, where was Lucky when you needed him the most?

Everyone was outside going to a meeting. Even Susan wasn't here! Of all days to be out!

I tried to bark, to call someone. Suddenly, a black, sleek cat appeared out of nowhere.

"I heard your cries. Hush, and I'll help you," she meowed.

"Where are you from?" I asked cautiously.

"The forest. It's ok, queens, I mean, mothers, are usually overprotective of their young. You can trust me. I'm going to get you something to bite on," the she-cat said.

I dropped to my side abruptly. The cat returned with a stick and handed it to me. I felt her paws feel along my flank.

"Five, or six puppies," she declared.

"How do you know?" 

"Medicine cats have their own way," she murmured. [I'm sorry. I couldn't help but include a little bit of Erin Hunter in here]

I jerked. I gasped deeply.

"A tom, er, a boy!"

"Are you mistaking my offspring for cats?" I asked, offended.


She gently gave the little pup to me, which I tucked into a soft pillowcase, which I also prepared beforehand.

A pain so great that I almost fainted rose.

"I need Lucky!"

Another cat appeared. How many cats live in the forest, exactly?

"Moonpetal! The whole clan has been looking for you! Why are you helping a dog?" he said.

"Hush, Lightpaw. This is Bella. Can you go fetch someone called Lucky?"

I did not want to listen to their nonsense. Clans? Weird names?

"Lucky, he looks exactly like me, but male. He lives in that big, cream house. Get him!" I shrieked.

"Woah, you can speak cat!" Lightpaw said.

Moonpetal fixed him in a stare, which causes him running off.

"You can do it, just FIVE more puppies!"

A spasm rocked me. I heaved.

"Two puppies at once? Ok..." Moonpetal muttered.

I took the two puppies, who were all white with a black ring on their eyes, and tucked them in the pillowcase.

When Lucky arrived, I already delivered all puppies.

"Am I too late? I can't believe a cat brought me here!" Lucky exclaimed.

"You aren't late," Moonpetal whispered.

All of the pups were crowding around my belly, feeding. All of them had the same fur pattern as Lucky and me. All except the two pups that were delivered at the same time.

I sighed in maternal bliss. "Thanks for helping, Moonpetal. I hope to see you again."

The cat blinked, then padded to the forest, with Lightpaw following.

Lucky laid down beside me and asked one thing.

"Can I name them all?"

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