Chapter 15 (Special)

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Bella's POV

Junior started growling as Gerald came close to us, observing us quietly.

"They STILL haven't put a bounty for this girl! UGH!" the woman screamed.

"They'll do it soon, don't worry," Gerald assured her.

I scoffed. "You think Susan is that stupid?"

"Why it barkin' at us?" Gerald asked.

I did not tell them about the tracker in my collar. Unfortunately, the tracker was malfunctioning and we were supposed to fix it but we never got the time.

I racked my head, trying to find a way out. I knew Lucky was coming, but how far is he from here? I tried reaching for him, hoping it would work like the last few times.

It worked!

I looked through Lucky's eyes, but a brilliant pair of blue orbs stared back at me. Instinctively, I tried to sniff the air. The scent... was feminine. Was he...?

No, I must have faith in Lucky.

The humans finally left us alone. Beta started whining, searching for milk.

"I'm sorry, little ones," I whispered. "But they haven't been feeding me, so I can't provide the milk you need."

A rush of anger flowed through me. I wasn't going to let my pups be undernourished.

"Junior, I'm going to need you to look after your siblings for a while. I'm going to look for food."

Junior straightened, puffing out his chest.

"Yes, Mother!"

I inspected the cage. Looking at the lock, it was one of those times where I wished I was a cat; to use the claws, of course. Sighing with frustration, I picked at the lock with determination. It barely moved the first time.

Click! Bam! I got it! Pushing the door open, I smelled the air, pleased that the humans weren't nearby. I jumped to the silver table in front of me and scanned the room. As I jumped down from the table, a sudden realization hit me.

We could escape.

I looked back at the open cage door. I jumped back onto the table and grabbed Oreo. I then jumped back down and settled him down. I repeated the process with the rest of the litter.

"Now, be quiet young ones. We're getting out of here," I said.

I again sniffed the air. I spotted a door marked "exit" and crept toward it quietly. My claws clicked against the floor quietly, making me wince slightly. The handle was just above my head. Planting my paws on the door, I grabbed the handle between my jaws, twisting my head.


I pushed the door ajar. I ushered the pups out of there.


Panic filled my mind. With some quick thinking, I grabbed a metal bar and swung it at the handle, breaking it off the door. Satisfied that they had no exit, I growled one last time and exited.

Closing the door behind me, I took in the fresh air. My pups and I yipped and barked with joy.

We were free.

HI!  Sorry for the SUPER LONG update and the short chapter.  

So I just recently decided that at every five chapters, there would be a chapter in Bella's POV.

I have some plans for Paw Prints... but some of them you might not like.

Just warning ya!


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