Chapter 11

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Lucky's POV

"What?" I said.

"You heard me! You are intruding on Thunderclan territory!" he yowled. "GUYS! THERE IS A DOG!"

Suddenly, more cats streamed out of the bush. Where the heck did they come from?

Some of the cats bristled uncomfortably and out of fear. Deciding to want nothing from this, I walked away, leaving the surprised cats away.

(Plus, I was too lazy to write a cat scene)


I ignored them and continued to follow Bella's scent. I eventually got hungry, and tired. I sniffed the air for anything edible, but I only scented a squirrel, which was totally NOT edible.

So I laid down that evening with troubled thoughts and an angry stomach.

I dreamt of Bella getting injured and the pups calling for him.

"Lucky! Lucky!" the tiny voice of Junior called.

"Muahahahaha!" evil people laughed.

Then, my dream ended. I saw out of another dog's eyes. It seemed like they were in a cage with six other presences next to them.

"Mommy, when do we get back home?" a voice, a familiar voice, said.

"Hush Junior. Someone will save us. If they don't, I will get us out here."

Bella? Junior? I was seeing out of Bella's eyes! Was this real? Or is this...

A vision?

"Lucky?" Bella whispered.

Wait, what? She could hear me?

"Bella?" I mumbled.


Then the vision faded. I woke, disappointed. Had it been a dream all along?

I didn't know what to believe at this point. I mean, if a dog can understand and communicate with them, visions could be real.

I continued my trek to find and rescue my family. Now, my stomach was craving for food.

I attempted to catch a squirrel, but failed, miserably. I tried, about fifty more times until I finally caught one.

Christopher had tried to make me eat raw food before, but I had refused. Well, now I tried to eat raw food.

I bit into the squirrel, wrinkling my nose, expecting the worst. But surprisingly, it wasn't that bad! I ate quickly, in a rush to get to Bella.

I then walked to find Bella and her pups again.  I suddenly had another vision.

"Lucky," Bella whispered. "We are at a tall silver building in the middle of a farm north of the forest."

"Ok," I whispered back. "I promise to get you guys out of there."

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