Chapter 13

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I tripped for the fifth time that day. Sleek was always sticking out his paw when I passed by him.

"He's so clumsy!" a voice muttered.

"Does not live up to his name at all."

"Ugh. If only he were more useful..."

Those remarks were utterly embarrassing. And NOT true. It was that annoying brat, Sleek's fault! He was ruining my image.

But that wasn't so important now. I had to look out for this tall silver building. I had begun to wonder if this herd knew where they were going because I felt like we passed the same pool of water many times now.

The baby animals kept glancing at Sleek as if he were their second father. Well, guess what? He's not your second father!

If only they knew that.

I was beginning to get used to the tons and tons of walking. I mean, I bet Christopher never walked this far! Which reminds me. How is Christopher coping without him? And Susan, for that matter?

Suddenly, another vision rocked me.

"Lucky?" the vision whispered.

"Bella?" I whispered back.

Outside of my vision, I spotted some deer giving me some strange looks.

"He's talking to himself! That weirdo," some muttered.

"Help us. Or I'll have to find another way waiting for you," she murmured.

I glanced a metal work table with tools in front of Bella's cage. With a heart-wrenching look, I saw all the pups huddled together near Bella.

"Mom, when is Lucky going to be here?" Junior asked.

"Soon. Soon."

The vision faded, sadly. This time, no useful information popped up.

I growled in frustration, accidentally scaring away some fawns. Some deer threw me reproachful looks, which I ignored.

How long before the tall silvery building? First of all, Sleek is just a bunch of dog poop, the mother deer are WAY too protective, and I'm beginning to wonder if they knew where they were going.

"You DO know where north is, right?" I asked the porcupine.

"Yes, of course, we do! Ungrateful little dog. Hmph!"

But I noticed her nervousness.  Great, I was stuck with a herd of animals who were completely bonkers, lost, and protective.

But I must pull myself in.

For Bella and the pups.

Paw Prints (1.1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora