Chapter 9

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I woke to a CRASH! I quickly looked around. It's been a few weeks since I gave birth, but I was still protective of my treasures.

Lucky and I have named all of them:

1. Junior (male). 2. Sun (male). 3. Moon (female). 4. Oreo (male). 5. Love (female). 6. Beta (male).

All of them are in order from oldest to youngest, with the exception of Sun and Moon.

Their eyes have now opened. Sun's and Moon's eyes were surprisingly sharp. Not only that, but Sun had pale yellow eyes, and Moon had silver eyes.

Where did they get this?

The rest of the pups had the chocolate brown eyes as Lucky and me.

Junior had learned to bark a few words, to Lucky's and my delight.

Back to the present.

There was a thundering crash in the kitchen. My litter started to whine as I shifted uncomfortably.

I padded to the kitchen warily, alert for any movement than mine.

There: I spied them. Two masked people holding a frying pan! Worried, I went and gathered my pups, waking them gently.

Junior started to whine, but I silenced him. He must have sensed my alarm, cause he started to shush the other pups.

I grabbed Beta gently by the scruff and rounded the rest of my children near a drawer.

I carefully opened the bottom drawer and tucked my pups inside, leaving the drawer open a crack to let them have air.

"Be good, my pups," I told them.

I went to Mom's room, and they were still asleep! The nerve my humans had!

As I padded back to the drawer, I saw one man opening the drawer right above where the pups were!

He then moved toward the bottom drawer. My pups!

Snarling, I ran toward the human.

"Hey! Here she is!" he whisper-yelled.

I grabbed his pants and tugged him away from my pups.

"Linda!" he said quietly.

A hand closed around my neck. It started to tug me away from the man.

It was unfair! Where is Superman?

Ok, I realize that I watch too many DC shows and movies and that Superman isn't real.

They put me into a cage, to my dismay. They locked me in with a click!

I paced around in a circle, fretting. Suddenly, I saw a nose peek out the crack in the drawer.

Junior! Oh no!

He saw me bottled up in the cage, and with a yip, pushed the crack even wider!

He started to walk towards me, saying "Moter! Don' wurry! I'll safe yu!"

Then all the pups started to follow Junior's example, tumbling out of the drawer and padding after him.

"Well, puppies. How nice."

I snarled at the man and woman. The man raised his hand as if to hit me, but the woman interfered.

"Careful, Gerald. She is worth a lot of money. We'll steal them, then return them for a load of money. I am brilliant!" she said.

They then picked up my wiggling puppies. Then they put my darlings in the cage with me.

I curled around my litter protectively. Seeing no escape, I hoped that we would get out of this situation soon.

"Where's the dad?" Gerald asked.

"Shush stupid! We're on a dognapping mission! Not on a vacation!"

"But I was just-"

"Shut up. Let's go."

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