Chapter 22 Amelia vs Eustace

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Third pov

Amelia fell asleep in Caspian's arms so he sat like that, watching out of the window until Lucy came down under deck where they were.

Caspian looked up. "Hi, Lucy. How is everything going up there?"

"It's good. Gael is currently occupied in the cabin and the others are working. Do you want me to tell you when it's time to eat?" Lucy asked.

Caspian nodded. "Yes please."

Lucy smiled as she saw one of her oldest friends curl up like a kitten in the young King's lap. Her friend deserved something that made her happy. "I don't think I've seen her this relaxed since she still had Eclipse." Lucy could still remember the expression of absolute freedom on Amelia's face as she soared through the sky.

Caspian knew of his fianceé having a dragon, though she hadn't talked about him other than that she was sure he was dead.

Lucy could see his expression. "I'm honestly pretty sure she loved Eclipse more than she loved the rest of us. I mean, she loved us, she ruled with us for fifteen years, but compared to what she felt for Eclipse, I'm pretty sure we faded in comparison." Lucy couldn't feel any anger for it either. "I'm glad she has you and Peter. I'm not sure she if she could have coped otherwise."

Caspian gently ran a hand through Amelia's hair. "I have really only heard the stories. Thank you. For telling me. Do you know what happened to Eclipse?"

Lucy shook her head. "No. But considering the time that has gone by i figure he's already died. I just hope Amelia doesn't get sick."

Caspian eyebrows shot up. "Sick?"

"Yeah, she lost Eclipse for a short while when we first started ruling. He was about the size of a badger then. One of the kingdoms that didn't want us there managed to take him." She sighed. "A short while after, Amelia got sick. Realky sick. We weren't sure if she would pull through, but she did. Five months later we got Eclipse back."

"I wasn't that sick." Amelia mumbled.

Lucy chuckled. "Sure you weren't. And Peter didn't have a group of ladies begging him to marry them."

Amelia cracked a smile and opened her eyes. "They were rather annoying, weren't they?"

The two young women shared a look as thry thought back to Peter trying to hide from his admirers, and burst into laughter. Even Caspian chuckled at the mental image.

Time skip

Eustace sat with his diary as he observed the bizarre people around him- well, not all of them human.

"Dear diary,

There's been an extraordinary turn of events. I've been abducted by my cousins and set adrift in uncharted watera in some ridiculous-looking boat. What's worse is that i share quarters with an obnoxious mouse thing. And i thought bunking with my cousin was bad enough.

So far, every person I've met in this strange place suffer from the most florid delusions. Chasing green mists and looking for lost lords.

I can only assume this is the result of poor diet. Or they're all just barking mad. Cousin Edmund is no exception. He spends every spare second rubbing that tin sword of his, like it's some magic lantern.

Then it's the girl they met while evacuated. Amelia, she's annoying and brash. Acts more like a man than a woman. I don't understand why everyone seems to follow her every wink.

Eustace nearly jumped as the handle of a blade was suddenly in his face.

"Get up. It's time for training."

That caught everyone's attention, except for Edmund, Lucy and Caspian, who she had already talked with about this.

Eustace blurted out. "Are you mad?"

Amelia grinned. "A little, maybe. But you need training in using one of these. Or we might risk another situation like with the slave traders." She motioned to the handle. "Take it."

Eustace did, if only to get the (in his opinion) mad woman away from him.

When he stood up properly Reepicheep was quick to fix the boy's stance.

Caspian stood beside Edmund and Drinian, even Drinian amused as they watched Reep and Amelia try to teach the boy something.

When the lesson was over (cough* entertainment*cough) Eustace could positively say he did not like Amelia. Or that annoying rat.

Amelia had a happy grin after she got to put Eustace in his place and a work out.

Judging by the others looks they found it as fun as she did.

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