Chapter 18 King Caspian

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Third pov

Caspian is a calm but generally happy man that has no problem waiting for the things he wants the most. And according to most of his men they highly doubt there exists an ego inside him at all.

The ones that heard of how he got the throne had of course heard of the romance that blossomed between him and one of the strongest Queens of Narnia in history.

But the Kings and Queens had to leave and there was a fair share of people that figured the Kings love for her would disappear in her absence.

The ones that were currently sailing on a ship with both of them could safely say that that wasn't the case at all. If anything the love had grown stronger on both sides.

From first moment Caspian only looked at her with a mixture of awe and love.

And it was clearly mutual feelings as she didn't have problems with showing her affection in front of others.

Secretly people had started to take bets on the possibility of Caspian asking her to marry him.

Caspian himself was just incredibly happy to have the love of his life close. And to be able to show her affection without worry. And from her usual pretty much touch starved reactions to his touch it was well needed affection.

And if things like sparring made her happy, why not?

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