Chapter 1 Tour

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Third pov

Amelia showed them everything and ended the tour with showing their rooms.

"Here is the boys room. There was supposed to be three boys in there but my cousin isn't coming here you can choose beds freely." She opened the door to a fairly spacious room with three beds before moving to the room across from it. "And here is the girls room. The bed in the corner is mine but you can decide freely on who gets which of the other beds."

Lucy was quick in and sat on a bed. "I want this one."

Amelia smiled and turned her head to Susan. "I'll let you unpack." She went back to finish up with the horses before dinner was served.

Time skip/ Amelia pov

Dinner felt.... tense, to say the least. I guess i can understand them. Being far from home and parents isn't exactly fun. At least i got to go to a relative.

Later when Lucy is supposed to sleep the radio is broadcasting about german bombers. I frown as i look through the bookshelf. This isn't good for such a small girl.

"German aircraft carried out a number of attacks on Great Britain last night."

I pick out a story book as Susan turns the radio off.

Lucy sniffles. "The sheets feel scratchy."

"Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon."

"Yeah, if home's still there."

I guess my surprise showed on my face because Peter looked away.

Susan sighed. "Isn't it time you were in bed?"

"Yes, mom." Edmund made a face.

"Ed!" Peter gave him a stern look before turning back to Lucy. "You saw outside. This place is huge."

I can't help but chime in. "Believe it or not, but there is quite a lot to do here, games to play, places to hide. When i was smaller and came here with my cousins this place was the best for hide and seek."

Lucy's face lights up a little and Susan and Peter give me thankful looks.

Time skip/third pov

The next day Amelia was so incredibly bored. They all were with the rain pouring down outside.

She was leaning against the window listening half to the rain and half to the others.

"Amelia, do you want to play hide and seek?" Lucy asked quietly.

The older girl nodded and smiled as she watched her convincing the rest of her siblings.

Peter gave in and smiled. "1..2....3...4..5.."

The four others split into different parts of the house. Amelia hid in one of the empty chests in the hall. She was absolutely quiet until she heard Lucy.

"It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!"

Amelia left her hiding place and went over to the Pevensie's.

She noticed the slightly confused look on Lucy's face. "I've been gone for hours."

Amelia stayed as the others left the room, giving Peter and Susan a disapproving look for how they handled this. She looked at the young girl that was obviously hurt that her siblings didn't believe her. "Did you really see Narnia?" She was genuinely curious.

Lucy nodded.

"I believe you."

Lucy's face lit up. "You do?"

Amelia nodded. "I do. My uncle used to tell me stories about it, i just never thought they'd be real." She looked at the wardrobe, taking a step forward and closing it. "But obviously your siblings won't believe us, so let's keep it on the low for now."

Lucy nodded, eyes no longer looking like they were filled with tears as Amelia took her hand. "Come, i know where Mrs Mcreedy stores the cookies. I sometimes get to take some."

The two left the room and went for the kitchen where they actually found Mrs Mcreedy. The housekeeper nodded as the teen asked if they could take two cookies.

After that Amelia stayed close to Lucy until bedtime. She wanted her to feel like someone has her back.

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