He found an opening!?

She went back, a surprised look on her face. Hyun Soo smirked.

"That isn't the only bang you're going to feel tonight."

What was that supposed to mean?

She lost concentration because of his comment and was attacked with a kick on the jaw. She fell back as the timer went off on the huge clock.

She couldn't believe that she'd lost to Jung Hyun Soo!


Y/N was at the convenient store, purchasing some medicine. The kick Hyun Soo had given left a mark at the side of her lips. The head gear didn't protect that area of the face. She's managed to let it stop bleeding, but she was sure it was going to give her an ugly bruise if she didn't apply some ointment to it.

She couldn't stop thinking of her defeat. Of how all the other students in the academy whispered when she'd lost. How she dropped down from second best to the third best. It was all clouding her mind. She left the store with a bag of medicinal cream, cotton and band aids.

A horrible sight greeted her when she left the store. Jung Hyun Soo was standing in front her. She rolled her eyes.

"What? Are you going to rub your victory on my face?"

"Not at all," Hyun Soo said. He pointed at her mark, "it's going to bruise if you don't treat it."

"I know that," she said, and walked towards her house. She wanted to see his face lesser every second.

Hyun Soo gently grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "I'll treat it! I gave it you in the first place." He pulled her to a nearby bench and sat her down, all the while she struggled out of his grasp.

"Let me go! I'll do it myself when I go home!"

"Just stay still will you! God, you're such a pain in the ass!"

Hyun Soo gently applied a bit of ointment on at the side of her lips. It was weird that all this while, his lips were visibly trying not to smile.

"What's with the girly shirt?" he asked, still concentrating on treating her bruise.

Y/N looked down at her tight, light blue top with thin straps for sleeves. Her immediate first thought was Jungkook. What if she saw him in the convenient store like before. She needed to look good! She looked up at him.

"What's it to you?"

"I just asked!"

"Doesn't it look good?"

"It does!" Hyun Soo removed his Adidas sports jacket and draped it over her shoulders, "but you look better with your usual sweatshirts on."

He then opened the cotton pack and tore some out of the roll. "I still can't believe I beat you!"

"Yeah ok, stop rubbing it on my face!"

"I'm not!" Hyun Soo put on the band aid and finally finished treating her bruise. "Y/N, do you remember the first time we joined the academy?"

Y/N remembered it quite vividly: she had joined the academy with Hyun Soo many, many years ago. At that time they were white belters (beginners). They were supposed to observe some of the matches that the experienced ones were participating in, and take down notes. Y/N was always the energetic social one, who forgot to take any notes, while Hyun Soo was the shy guy who admired the players from afar, recording every single one of their moves. There wasn't a moment where he got up from his seat and there wasn't a moment where she sat down.

While staring at the players with adoration, Y/N felt a piece of paper hit her head. She picked up the paper and uncrumpled it, to reveal a scribbled, 'will you be my friend?' written on it. She looked at who threw it and it was a young Hyun Soo, his arms hugging his knees, his fists balled up, his head turned away, trying to avoid any sort of eye contact with her. Y/N just laughed, took her pencil, scribbled down a 'yes!' and threw the note back at Hyun Soo. When he read it, he smiled brightly at her. That was their first encounter.

It happened when they were about six years old. They started becoming good friends after that, but when they got their red belts, they started hating each other's guts. Which led on to them fighting and arguing all the time.

That memory almost had faded from Y/N's mind.

"Yeah, I do remember."

"I always wanted to beat you," Hyun Soo admitted, "from the day I met you, I always thought what it would be like to beat you. And I finally did it! I know this could be hard for you, but that match earlier meant the world to me!"

Y/N thought about it.

Beating me for him would be like beating Jungkook for me.

"Listen, I know you've wanted to beat him for a long time," Hyun Soo said, as though reading Y/N's mind, "and I've beaten my biggest opponent which was you. Now you need to beat your biggest opponent, ok?" Hyun Soo took her hand and put something inside her palm before closing her fingers around it. "Win it Y/N. Win the black belt, for you and for me."

Hyun Soo pulled her head closer and placed his lips on her forehead for a full five seconds before backing away. He smiled at her brightly, the same smile he gave her when they were kids. "I'll be rooting for you." He then got up the bench and walked away.

Y/N was dumbfounded. She never thought that this would happen. She was rethinking about the event that happened just a few seconds ago, with Hyun Soo's jacket still covering her. She missed it. She missed the friendship that she and him once shared.

She looked down at her palm to see what he had given her. She saw a note and uncrumpled it, only to reveal kid's writing on it:

'Will you be my friend?'


He kept the note!

The Guy in my Taekwondo Class (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now