Chapter 4

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He is going to study here? Why did he move here? Why did he have to move to the same school I study in? Can I switch schools?

All these thoughts flooded Y/N's mind as she threw her books inside her locker at the end of the day. Because the last thing she wanted was for her to see his face often.

She felt multiple emotions whenever she saw Jungkook – sometimes she wanted to punch him in the jaw, sometimes she wanted to kiss him on the lips. Sometimes she wanted to push away all those thoughts about them being together, and sometimes she dares to imagine what it would be like if they were together. Sometimes she wanted to shake him and yell at him for earning a black belt, and sometimes she wanted to admire and idolize him for earning a black belt.

Sometimes she wanted to tell him how much she hated him, and sometimes she wanted to tell him how much she loved him. All those emotions will triple if she sees him more.

"Ah!" Y/N slammed her locker in frustration, startling Seok Hoon who was next to her.

"You annoyed because you showed cleavage this morning?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Y/N huffed.

"You annoyed because will probably flunk history?"

"No one cares about history."

"Then why are you annoyed?"

Y/N sighed. "I don't know." Because she really didn't – what was she supposed to say? 'I like him but at the same time I don't!' She didn't tell Seok Hoon about her feelings for Jungkook, it would have been too complicated to explain anyways.

"Okay then," Seok Hoon said, locking his locker, "this should cheer you up. You have a taekwondo competition in an hour."

Y/N's eyes lit up. "Sweet!" she smirked, "time to kick ass!"


Because of Jungkook's sudden news, Y/N had completely forgotten about the competition they had this evening with the rival academy. But she'd practiced enough and was confident.

Everything went according to her thoughts – she was selected in a few matches against a few opponents who she thought sucked at taekwondo. Kicks on torsos and heads, blocking various attacks, and she won (obviously, I'm Y/N!) all those matches. She wasn't overconfident. Y/N could tell before even fighting the opponent if she would win or if she would struggle. And struggle wasn't what she sensed when all those weaklings stood in front of her.

What she didn't imagine was that there would be a 2v2 (two versus two) match at the ending held between the two academies. And of course, she was paired with Jeon Jungkook.

The coach actually had quite a brilliant excuse – "it's because you to are the best fighters in the academy!"

Rage boiled inside Y/N, and she had no idea why. She just didn't want to fight alongside Jungkook. She'd rather be paired up with Jung Hyun Soo.

As she stepped on the mat, Jungkook walked behind close to her and whispered in her ear – "we need a plan."

"Shut up."

Jungkook's eyes widened at her sudden remark.

"I don't need you to tell me that we need a plan and I don't need you or a stupid plan to make me win this match. I am going to be on the offensive, and you better stay of my way, got it?"

Jungkook wasn't too taken aback – he had seen her angry like this in many taekwondo matches (especially in ones against him). Although, he might just have figured out why she was acting this way: she was fighting alongside a black belt, which made her look like the weaker one since she wore a red belt. That's why she wanted to play offensive.

The Guy in my Taekwondo Class (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now