Chapter 8

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Y/N put on her training gear and started exercising for the class. It was the usual – 20 pushups, 20 sit ups, 10 pull ups, 10 leg raises and 10 burpees. Due to her being a taekwondo player (that too a red belt), her stamina had managed to finish all these tasks easily in the span of fifteen or so minutes. And so did most of the red-belters, although they were a minute behind.

Y/N had started to mildly stretch after her exercise session. She decided on practicing some spin kicks. After all, the match with Jungkook was only a week away. As she was about to grab one of the kick bags, she heard –


Y/N rolled her unconsciously at the obnoxious and proud voice.

She continued to walk towards the kick bags, but still answered the voice: "Hyun Soo," she said, uninterested.

Jung Hyun Soo ran towards her and blocked her path.

"Fight me!"

"I have better things to do."

"I said fight me!"

"Get out of my way."

"What? Are you scared?"

Y/N stopped. She turned to face him with confident smirk. "Scared of what? Your pathetic attempt of a kick?"

"No. You're scared that I have become better than you."

This kid is really getting under my skin.

"No way in a billion years would you become better than me."

"Do you want me to prove you wrong?" Hyun Soo got into stance. He gestured toward the huge clock in the practice room, "time's ticking." Y/N rolled her eyes and agreed. The kid set a timer already!?

Maybe kicking the guy's ass would be her practice for the day.

"At least you let me put on my gear," Y/N muttered under her breath.

Hyun Soo came at her with a hard kick on the torso, which she easily could block. This time, however, she could feel a blow on her hand, even with her hand guards on. She was surprised, to say the least.

The kid has improved.

His signature series of spin kicks attacked her but Y/N either blocked them or dodged them. Most of them were dodged because the spin kicks were actually hurting her arms. It was surprising how Hyun Soo had improved the force he put in on his kicks. Every kick of his resulted a surprised face of Y/N.

It was enough being on the defensive. Y/N was feeling dominated by his kicks – and she didn't like it. She was about to grab his ankle when she remembered Jungkook's words:

"You leave out many openings, and opponent takes the chance."

I shouldn't always be on the offensive.

So she set her pride aside and decided on dodging his spin kicks. After a few seconds, Hyun Soo had realized his kicks weren't working, and he landed on his two feet. Y/N found an opening at that exact moment and landed a front kick on Hyun Soo's torso. By now, a small group had gathered around the two fighters. Matches between the red belters was always fun to watch.

There was a blur of kicks and blocks and attacks for about half a minute, although Y/N was the one delivering the most kicks. She'd gone back on her offensive side and ignored all the signs of holding back. She couldn't hold back now – Hyun Soo had an obvious improvement. As she kept attacking him, alternating between front and side kicks, Hyun Soo had managed to block all of them. It was really getting on Y/N nerves. She lost all sanity and started attacking him with spin kicks when Hyun Soo caught on her ankle and launched a kick at her torso.

The Guy in my Taekwondo Class (J.JK)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora