Chapter 2

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The bell rang and Y/N immediately slammed her textbook shut as she hurriedly escaped the boredom of her history class. She ran down the school hallways, her hair flying behind her and students giving her a look that said – "there she goes again." Because running impatiently to classes and arguing about the homework with teachers and not hesitating to punch someone if they annoyed her were things Y/N was very good at.

She opened her locker and literally threw her books inside.

"Finally! School's over!" she huffed as she stretched her arms.

"How was history?" asked a voice from beside her. It was Y/N's best friend Kang Seok Hoon. He was the proper type, good grades and glasses. Opposite of Y/N. Ironic how they ended up being best friends.

''Guess," Y/N said rolling her eyes. Every bone in her body hated history.

"I don't have to," Seok Hoon grinned, "it was awesome for me though!"

Y/N rolled her eyes again. "Because you got partnered up with Eun Ji?"

No Eun Ji was quite like Seok Hoon himself; good grades and glasses. Y/N looked at her arranging her already neat locker, her shirt somehow still managed to stay crisp, and so were the pleats on her skirt. So very unlike Y/N's – with her untucked shirt, crumpled pleats, and hair strands falling out of her pony. Eun Ji should've been Seok Hoon's best friend. Y/N wondered if she could ever be as proper as her.

Deep maroon coloured Seok Hoon's cheeks when Eun Ji was mentioned, and Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes at the shy boy.

"Why don't you just tell her that you like her? How long has it been!?"

"Its not that simple!' Seok Hoon retorted, "you don't know! Its not like you've ever liked someone!"

Actually, she did.

"Whatever, I got to go to the academy. Are you going straight home?"

"I am going to the library."


"Shut up."


Y/N went to the girl's changing room and changed into her dobok. She tied her red belt onto her waist.

Only if this was black.

With her hair tied back into a tight ponytail, Y/N exited the changing room and was greeted by a face that she loathed.

Jung Hyun Soo.

He was one of the red belters along with her. Unfortunately.

Everybody in the academy knew she was the second best, better than Jung Hyun Soo. But for some reason, the idiot won't accept it and would keep getting on Y/N's nerves. He was really unimportant in her life , but the guy kept demanding attention, it was ridiculous really.

"Well well, how are you today, L/N Y/N?" Hyun Soo asked with his annoying voice Y/N hated so much.

"Never have you cared before," Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to walk past when Hyun Soo stopped her by holding her shoulder.

That's it.

"Leave," she dangerously demanded.

Hyun Soo smirked and left her shoulder. He adjusted his helmet, and suddenly launched a kick at her torso, which she easily blocked.

His leg flew back and his eyes widened slightly. "Well, you have improved your reaction time." Even though, Hyun Soo was smirking, Y/N didn't miss the anger that quaked his voice. Or was it . . . fear?

"I don't have time for you Hyun Soo, and why would you attack me with full gear on when I don't have any gear to protect myself? That's playing dirty, but then again, you've never played fair anyways."

"Shut up," he spat, "you're just stupid. Who doesn't wear taekwondo gear in a taekwondo club?"

"Knock it off, would you?"

"Oh, I will!"

Then a series of spin kicks was launched by Hyun Soo, but Y/n kept dodging them. She knew if she tried to block them she would damage her hands because she wasn't wearing any hand protectors. Hyun Soo didn't show any sign of stopping, and it was starting irritate Y/N. She never liked being on the defensive side during a fight.

At the end she got so annoyed that she managed to grab hold of his ankle in the air and flung him towards the pyramid of training cones at a side of the practice room.

Hyun Soo crashed into the cones and the sound of his head gear hitting the wall was fairly audible. Thank god he had head gear on, otherwise he would have been badly injured.

Students ran towards Hyun Soo, including Y/N, although none really shouted at her. Fights and injuries were just something that was part of the taekwondo club.

Y/N didn't really worry about him, because he was fully protected with gear, but because of the heaviness of his chest protector some of the training cones had smashed and now had cracks in them. Y/N noticed this and freaked out.

Oh crap.

She was about to quietly sneak out of this situation when the coach appeared and gave her a glare.

"Y/N –"


"You damaged the academy's property!"


"So, you damage equipment?"

Y/N hung her head low.

"Really?" she muttered, "so I am getting punished?"

"Oh yeah you are! Let's see," the coach thought for a moment, "the janitors won't be coming today so you will stay behind and clean the girls' changing room."


Y/N stomped her foot hard on the floor in irritation. Could this get any worse?

"Go get ready."


She stomped across the room to put on her taekwondo gear and get ready for class, but not before she noticed Jungkook at the corner of the room, his head turned away from her with an amused smile on his face.


Y/N swept the floor of the girls' changing room – although she wasn't really doing the best job. Her eyelids were hanging down with boredom. Why did she have to sweep the floor, the tiles were fairly white anyways! And why the hell did Hyun Soo not get a punishment. Coming down to it, it was really his fault that the cones broke because he was the one who attacked her.

Attacked me with a weak-ass kick, Y/N thought back at his pathetic attempt. She smiled at herself, knowing that there was no way that Hyun Soo was going to get better than her.

She finished mopping the floor (barely) and changed back into her jeans and sweatshirt. She neatly folded her dobok and her red belt and placed it inside her locker. She finally exited the girls' changing room, but something caught her eye – why was Jeon Jungkook still training?

He wore no gear except his shin guards, and was continuously striking kicks at a kick bag. His dobok's neckline hung low on his chest, and the hair on his forehead were beaded with sweat drops. He was panting, although he didn't stop striking the kick bag.

Y/N hated the fact that he was training. She hated him, when she saw the glorious black belt tied on his waist. But her heart that had started to beat two times faster were deceiving those thoughts in her mind.

It was hard.

It was hard having a crush on someone you hate.

The Guy in my Taekwondo Class (J.JK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora