Facing fears

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"Do you give up now? You have no one left, you've lost." Miracle Queen said fiercely. Ladybug wouldn't answer her question. She was too weak to even get up and fight, much less defend herself. She glanced over to her partner, Cat Noir. He was in pain and could hardly move. He was alive at least, but he might not stay that way for long.

Miracle Queen tossed Ladybug into a building a few feet away. The small tower crumbled down with Ladybug in it. As Miracle Queen started to go over to her, she heard the calm voice she feared to ever listen to again.

"Chloe." Like an angel, Luka came out of nowhere, looking so calm and relaxed. His body was trembling with fear inside, but he didn't show it. He had to be strong, for Chloe. "Come back to me. Please Chloe." he pleaded.

Miracle Queen froze in her steps. All her warm and nice memories of Luka floated throughout her mind. That's how the amok worked. It would connect your strongest feeling and feed into it with its memories. But of course, the acuma worked against it. Its darkness took control of Chloe and all of her selfish desires.

"Luka...." Chloe let her mind return to itself for a moment. No... I won't let him stop me! Chloe said inside herself.

"Get away or I'll kill you too." Her mind savored the thought, yet hated it all the same.

"Chloe... Please I know your in there. You just have to fight my queen."

My queen... Chloe's mind returned as it was filled with every act of kindness Luka had ever done for her. She could go back to him... Feel safe with him-no he didn't love her and he never would. Chloe's mind started to fight itself again. She fell to her knees and put her hands up to her head as she tried to stop her pounding desires.

"Chloe..." Luka stepped closer and closer to her, careful not to overstep his boundaries.

"Get our of my head!" Miracle Queen finally yelled aloud. The acuma's darkness was taking over again. Out of frustration, Miracle Queen pulled out her honey comb sword and lunged it right into Luka's heart.

She felt tears sting her eyes as Luka felt the pain. Of course, he was invincible now thanks to Hawkmoth. Backing up, the sword was eventually removed from his abdomen, which healed almost instantly.

Miracle Queen looked in horror. She couldn't kill him, she couldn't kill the hope and goodness inside of her. "How?" She said hoarsly above a whisper. She backed away in fear as Luka came closer to her.

"Chloe, you can't kill me. I can't abandoned you." Luka said slowly as he tried to fraze his words right. "Don't you see?"

Miracle Queen tried and fight the warm feeling arising inside of her.

"My Queen.... I've loved you since the day I met you. Its just now I realize it might be my last chance to tell you." He said it so softly, yet his words echoed like a sweet tune.

Miracle Queen froze in her steps. Her whole conscious was thrust deep into her mind. Every moment with Luka zoomed by her and she felt the warmth of him grow. He loved her... He always did. From the start... No he was jus saying that to stop her. Again Chloe's mind fought back and fourth. She couldn't give up. She knew Luka and everyone was counting on her. With any ounce of light left she stood against the darkness of the acuma. Chloe had been through hard trails. Her mother had abandoned her, She had no true friends, and she had never been loved. Yet she had lived-and she had won against the darkness that tried to consume her one too many times.

As it tried to control her mind, Chloe looked forwards and saw the sweet look of hope on Luka's face. She wouldn't fail him, she couldn't. Suddenly all her positive thoughts came together, and combined themself with the amok. The acuma tried to call upon more negative feelings, but nothing was left to feed on.

"You loose." Chloe said. "I've fought darkness before, and I've learned that it only leads to pain and suffering. I'm going to fight for Paris, and those I care about, but most importantly for myself."

With the will of her mind, Chloe flushed out all of the darkness within her, then collapsed to the ground as her regular self. As Chloe Bourgeois. The amok and Acuma circled her as she gasped for breath. Luka ran over to her and hugged her as tight as he could. Chloe trembled and tried to stop the tears from coming down her eyes.

"Its okay. Its okay." Luka said to Chloe. They had won.

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