Chapter 14/ Loveater

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"Audrey, Audrey, please, calm down." Mr. Bourgeois was saying to his wife.

"I'm done. I'm done with this all." Audrey Bourgeois handed her husband a small peice of paper with shakey fingers. When Mr. Bourgeois opened it up and saw what was inside, he gave a look of horror.

"Audrey, not a divorce, please lets work things out for chloe's sake."

"No, Chloe doesn't need me and I don't need either of You!"


Hawkmoth was in his observatory as always, when he sensed a very strong emotion. He cupped his hands together and darkened his butterfly.

"Fly away my acuma, and acumatize this broken couple." Hawkmoth chuckeled. "My masterpiece is about to be set into motion. Ladybug and cat noir won't live to fight another day."


Mr. Bourgeois tried handing the peice of paper back to Audrey.

"No, I won't be a loveater!" It was then that a dark butterfly landed on the divorce paper.

"Loveater, you will destroy all the love in Paris since your family isn't happy enough to have any. In return you will give me Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculouses."

In unison, they replied. "Yes Hawkmoth."

Purple ooze surrounded the once happy couple. Two heads of a terrible creature emerged. "Love will not plague the city of Paris any longer."


"Maybe I should go check on my parents." Chloe said nervously.

Just then, the door was busted down by a terrible acumatized monster. The table was nearly thrown sideways, so Luka and Chloe ducked below it.

"Chloe! We want to show you just how poisonous love is..." said Loveater in a perfect unison of the couple's voices.

Chloe's heart pounded wildly. Luka whispered in her ear. "Lets sneak out threw the kitchen." Chloe nooded, then started crawling towards it, with Luka right behind her.

Loveater didn't seem to notice them, as they made it safely to the kitchen. They let out a sigh of relief. "I knew this wouldn't end well." Chloe argued.

"We just have to let Ladybug and Cat Noir know what's happening." Luka said. He had spoken too soon. The whole building shook as if something had jumped onto of it.

Chloe quickly flashed on the tv to Nadia Shamack. She was outside the hotel, as she showed images of Loveater on the roof.

"Parissss." it said snakily. "This city will no longer know what love is." They shot out a cloud of green smoke that wisped down to the people below. They seemed to have gone mad, as they started to claw and fight each other. Chloe shivered.

"Oh, and Ladybug and Cat Noir, don't think you can stop this. Your miraculouses will belong to Hawkmoth." Loveater jumped down to the ground, and started to fuse green smoke all over the place.


In just a few minutes, Ladybug and Cat Noir both showed up, as they tried to plan their next moves.
"What are you thinking M'Lady?" Cat Noir said.

"This villian, Loveater, it has so much hatred. I'm thinking we might need some help." Ladybug replied. Cat Noir agrees with her.

"I'll distract Loveater. Just make sure to come back with help before this creepy monster turns the city of love into the city of hate."

"Okay. Be careful Cat Noir." Ladybug said to his partner. Cat Noir smirked.

"Anything for you M'Lady." Ladybug couldn't help but smile at that.


At master fu's place, Marinette looked carefully at her choice of miraculouses. She wanted somebody she could trust. Eyeing the fox and the turtle, Marinette almost grabbed them. She then remembered the familiar sound of Loveater's voice. Her hands grasped the Bee miraculous.

"I'll need Chloe's help." As she stepped back up, master Fu held out the snake miraculous.

"Two?" Marinette questioned. "Hate will need to be defeated by love." master Fu said. Wayzz nodded. Marinette agreed As well, as she had suspected there was something between Luka and Chloe.


Back at the hotel, Chloe looked outside. Paris was torn apart, as people ran about like maniacs.

"We have to do something. They're going to come to the hotel soon." Chloe looked out worriedly. She felt like it was all her fault.

Just then they heard someone come in through the kitchen elevator. Chloe and Luka both looked around for a weapon of self defense.

When they saw it was only Ladybug, they calmed down.

"Queen Bee, Vipeiron, Paris needs you."

Note from the author:

In this fanfic I will be giving my own version of what Loveater is like. I was sort of disappointed with the design, so I kind of made up my own. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

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