Chapter 19

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Viperion shivered as he looked down at chloe, or, well, Miracle Queen. She looked full of anger and hate, yet he knew Chloe was deep down in there somewhere.

Miracle Queen let out a fake groan. "This metal is going to squish me to death before little Ladybug is going to end my reign." she decided she'd blow Ladybug's cover right when Cat Noir showed back up.

Viperion struggled with what to do. Miracle Queen was most likely faking, but a part deep in him wondered if she wasn't. He couldn't let Chloe get hurt. When she let out another fake cry of pain, Viperion came up with a plan.

"Melody!" He could entrance Miracle Queen in a deep luring state until LB and CN showed up.

Miracle Queen would've smiled if it wouldn't blow her cover. Little did Luka, or perhaps even Hawkmoth know her powers made her immune to others entrances.

Viperion moved the planks of metal around Miracle Queen and lifted her up. She acted as if she was under his spell.

"Now we wait." Viperion said. Miracle Queen smirked.

"Your the most gullible hero I've ever known. Then again, that's what makes it fun to toy with you." Miracle Queen summoned more of her bees, as she was determined to get Luka under her control. The ones near her had been destroyed, so I'd take a while for more to arrive.

"Chloe, please!" Viperion pleaded.

"No! Chloe is gone! She was weak, and a fool! I am miracle Queen and I will never be hurt again!" by now she was shouting.

Out on the horizon approached the legendary duo. Ladybug and cat Noir. They looked even stronger than before, as they evenly approached Miracle Queen. In her defense she grabbed Viperion.

"Move another inch and I take his miraculous then kill him." Ladybug nor cat Noir didn't doubt her words, but they weren't ready to give in.

"Give up Miracle Queen." Ladybug stated.

"By now your plan is Paw-sitivly not going as expected."

It was true, for Miracle Queen had already planned on owning both the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses by know. Thankfully, she heard a pleasing buzz approaching.

A whole army or robotic bees emerged, and with them came the miraculous wielders, all under miracle Queen's spell. She laughed evily.

"Now I think your plan is going haywire."

Viperion knew they all three had to escape. He hated to leave Chloe in this miserable state, but they needed a plan to take Miracle Queen out.

With his harp, he hit Miracle Queen hard in the thigh. She groaned and released her tightened grip, which gave Viperion just enough time to escape.

He dashed over to Ladybug and Cat Noir, who all knew their only option was to escape.


"We cannot locate them anywhere your majesty." said a controlled King Monkey. All the other wielders surrounded their knew queen, who was even angrier.

"They couldn't have gone far. I want the whole police force and all of you searching non stop until their found!" Miracle Queen could've exploded with rage.

"Yes, my queen." King Monkey said. Miracle Queen froze. Only Luka called her that, and Pollen too. Warm memories returned to her. No- she knew what she had to do.

"You will call me, your majesty." She said coldy before returning to her throne at the top of the Itfiel Tower.

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