chapter 1

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Chloe sat down at her lunch table as she stared dreamily across the lunch room. There was Luka, the handsome guitar player who had made her heart jump. His blue hair shined brightly as he laughed and joked with the people around his table. Most of them were older than Chloe, except for Marientte and a few of her friends. Chloe sneered. Ugh Marinette Dupin-Cheng. She always seemed to have everything perfect. Loving parents, loyal true friends, crafty sewing skills.... Chloes thoughts were interrupted by Adrien, who sat his tray down oposite of her.

"What's so interesting Chloe?" he asked her. Chloe nearly jumped from her seat as she focused her mind back on reality.

"Nothing I care to share." Chloe said as she crossed her arms. Adrien only rolled his eyes and began eating his lunch. Chloe did the same, but her mind kept flashing back to Luka. He had saved her a few mere weeks earlier as Vipirion, and after he had called her his Queen, Chloe couldn't seem to forget him.


After lunch Chloe trampled over to her locker disappointingly. She yearned very much for Luka to just at least notice her, much more, talk to her. His mind seemed preoccupied with other things though. Chloe though as she heaved a sigh.

"Do you want me to take in your history books for you?" Sabrina asked Chloe. Sabrina had always been seen as chloe's slave, but sometimes Chloe wanted to switch that around and  become friends. With the thought of Luka fresh in chloe's mind, she reclined Sabrina's offer as she thought about what Luka would do.

"No, I've got it. I'll be in class in a minute." Chloe said, without much sympathy showing in her voice. Sabrina looked confused at first, but then she just nodded and headed off.

Chloe touched up her makeup and grabbed her school books, which seemed much heavier than she remembered. As she closed her locker door, she was greeted with a familiar face.

"Hey." Luka said in his soothing voice. Out of pure surprise, Chloe dropped her books which slid to the floor below. She would have usually yelled at the person who had caused her such trouble before class, but since it was Luka she kept her cool and started picking up her books. She was glad no one was watching.

"Hi." Chloe said. It was hard to keep the suspense out of her voice. Luka bent down to help her pick up her books. Chloe surprisingly blushed.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to scare you." Luka said with much sympathy. He gave her a bright smile. Chloe could only nod, for her heart was beating to fast. Luka helped her back up, and handed her books to her.

"So, what is it you need with me?" Chloe tried to sound friendly, wanting to impress Luka. Luka pulled out a pamphlet from his pocket and handed it to Chloe.

"My band and I are having a concert tonight. I wandered if maybe you would like to go?"

Luka held a question in his voice as he looked into Chloe's eyes for an answer. Chloe felt faint, like she would, quite litteraly faint. Luka, asking her to go to his bands concert? It felt like such an honor, yet Chloe knew he most likely had asked everyone in the school. Chloe grabbed the pamphlet from Luka as their hands barely touched each other. Chloe felt like she had just touched a spark, but she acted like it was nothing. She stared at the pamphlet with interest for a moment.

"Ah, very interesting." Chloe said. She had already made up her mind of going, of course, but she didn't want to seem to eager. Not in front of Luka anyways.

"So, can I count on you being there?" Luka asked. Chloe though that she almost heard longing in his voice, but she wasn't sure.

"Well, as far as I know, my night is empty. I suppose going to a concert isn't a bad idea..." Chloe trailed off as Luka got the point.

"Thanks so much Chloe!" Luka said as he patted her shoulder. The bell rang at that very moment.

"Oh! Class is about to start! Sorry for making you late!" Luka said as he dashed off. Chloe sat there a moment, dazed. Luka had invited her to his concert, and patted her shoulder. His touch felt like a lightening bolt. Chloe thought before dashing off to her own class.

As Chloe ran through the halls to reach her class, she bumped into a small girl, a few years younger than her. Her school books had fallen from her grip, but chloe's remained in her hands. When they young girl saw that she had bumped into the one and only Chloe Bourgeois, a fearful look came over her.

Instead of ignoring the girl, or mocking her, Chloe looked down both hall ways. When she didn't see anyone, she bent down and helped the girl pick up her school books. The girl was startled at first of course, but Chloe helped her anyways. She handed the girl her books, then said in a raspy tone, "don't tell anyone." Chloe gave a serious face, then turned it into a half smile.

"Th-thank you." the girl said before rushing off. Chloe just stood there a minute, feeling proud of herself. She knew Luka would do something like that, as he had done earlier to her.


Luka zoomed through the halls as he tried to get to his class on time. This was the second time today he was late, but he had to get all the pamphlets given out. He was thoroughly surprise with chloe's reaction, as he had expected her to yell at him, on multiple occasions. Luka kept running, as be remembered that his class was the other way.
"Blast it!" he said quietly before turning around.

As he approached a turn, he saw Chloe, down on her knees, helping a girl pick up her books. "Don't tell anyone." he heard Chloe say to the girl, as they both ran off to their classes. Luka smiled as he had seen Chloe do an act of kindness. He knew she was a good person, he had found out when he first met her. she just needed a little more help to come out.

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