Chapter 10

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Chloe and luka were walking along the shore of the lake as the sun was starting to set, however it burned like crazy. Chloe fanned herself up and down dramatically.

"Its so hot out here." Chloe said. She desperately wanted a drink of water.

"Well, we can get back to work if you want to." Luka said. Chloe glared at him.

"Not a chance. I just wish there was something to drink out here." Chloe eyed a bench nearby and sat down on it immediately. "I need a break.  We've been walking for hours."

Luka rolled his eyes. "It hasn't even been thirty minutes, Chloe. But whatever. I'm going to walk a little up ahead." Luka went down the path a little further.

Chloe sat down and relaxed for a long moment. When Luka didn't return in a little while, Chloe stood up and called his name.

"Luka?" she asked. She went down a little further onto the shore, only to be splashed by Luka.

The cool water lapped up onto her skin and gave Chloe a thrill.

"How dare you! Now my designer jacket is ruined!" Chloe said, partially mad. Luka chuckled silently to himself.

"I thought you were hot, my queen." Luka said teasingly. Chloe turned bright red.

"That's it!" Chloe laid her bag on the bench, then went near the water to splash luka back. He returned the favor, and the two soon found themselves splashing each other happily.

Chloe had soon pushed Luka into the lake, so he was now soaking wet. Luka went over and grabbed Chloe, the gently pulled her into the lake too.

Chloe would usually have been boiling with anger, but instead she felt, well happy.

The two splashed themselves a little while longer, until Chloe couldn't stop laughing.

"So was that fun?" Luka asked. Chloe looked into his deep blue eyes and found herself lost.

"It was." she said in reply, as she managed her giggles.

"We better get back to the hotel before it gets too late."

Luka said as he walked up onto the shore. Chloe followed, and ringed her hair dry. The sun was now almost set, and the stars were coming out. Chloe shivered as a small breeze blew through her.

"I'm starting to regret having some fun now." Chloe said as she shivered. Luka chuckled softly.

"Here, if your really cold, have my jacket." Luka put his warm jacket around Chloe. She felt embarrassed at first, but she soon felt warm, and safe.

"I better get home. My family will wonder where I've been." Before Chloe could reply, there was a disturbance in the distance.

A huge impact came from across the park, and then Ladybug and Cat Noir could be seen fighting an acumatized villian.

By the time Chloe and Luka had made it to a safe place under a bench, Chloe looked back up. She saw Cat Noir fighting off the bad girl, who was clad in a clownish outfit with face paint. Chloe looked around for Ladybug, but she was nowhere to be seen.

"We need to get out of here." Luka said silently to Chloe.

"Yeah, but how exactly?" Chloe replied. Both ways required a large stretch of land to go across.

"I go right, you go left. Hopefully Cat Noir can distract the villian long enough to escape." Luka looked Chloe right in the eyes.

"Fine. We'll meet back at the hotel." with that, both of them ran as fast as they dared.

Cat Noir seemed to do a well job of distracting the villian, as Chloe paused a moment in an ally way to regain her strength. It was just then that Ladybug jumped down and held out a miracle box.

"Chloe Bourgeois-"

"Yeah, yeah I know return it in the end." Chloe interrupted. Ladybug nodded and handed the miracle box over.

"Pollen, buzz on!" Chloe said to her kwami. In a second she was all transformed into Queen Bee.

"Let's go teach this acuma a lesson!" Chloe said. She made a mental note to herself to make sure Luka was safe, first.

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