chapter 4

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As Chloe arived at the park, a whole hoard of people had arrived. She felt at ease, now knowing that if anyone she knew saw her she wasn't going to a concert for "peasants". Chloe maneuvered her way around the crowds of people and found herself in a seat close to the front. Here, she could see the stage easily, but was partially concealed.

In a few moments time, Kitty Section began singing. There on the stage was Ivan, Rose, Juleka, and Luka. Chloe heaved a sigh as she saw him in his custume. It looked so good on him... Chloe wouldn't admit the costume itself looked good, for it was made by Marientte Dupen-Cheng.

As the concert wore on, Chloe found it hard to take her eyes off Luka. He looked so... Perfect she thought. Soon enough, though, Chloes mind soon came to rest on the topic of her mother. What would she think? Would her mother ever talk to Chloe again? Chloe hadn't always been very rebellious, until now of course, but a thread of guilt loomed throughout her.

As Chloe gave a look of dissatisfaction at her own choices, she happened to look up at Luka. When Luka saw her worried look, he winked quickly her way. Chloe starred, bright eyed. Luka had winked at her! A small portion of her heart melted at the thought, not for long though.

A huge explosion mistified the stage, as an Acumatized villian leaped forwards.

"Hello, my audience! I am Moon-climber and I'm claiming this concert as my own!" the mysterious Moon climber had a blue tinted face, and in his hands he held a microphone. In a few seconds he whooshed it at a portion of the audience. A huge light filled the space, and then the people were gone. The remaining audience screamed in horror ad they tried to evacuate the concert. Moon Climber laughed eveily.

"Don't think you can escape me! Soon you will know what its like to have everything you know riped away from you!"

Chloe ducked down in the seats beneath her as she tried to crawl to safety. It was quite hard to do so, since everyone was panicking like crazy. Chloe hoped quite heavily that Luka was okay. As she kept an eye out for an easy escape, she heard a faint scream behind her. Tearing her glance away for only a second, Chloe saw A young girl and her sister clutching behind a chair together, as Moon Climber cornered them. Chloe gave a hesitant thought, but there was still no sign of Ladybug or Cat Noir. With her body in full swing, Chloe heaved a sigh and turned back around.


Master Fu had been sitting in the audience when the acuma attack had happened. He too had fled, but only to the miracle box.

"Are you sure now is the time, master?"Wayzz said as he flew our of master fu's bag.

"Ladybug and Cat Noir will arrive any minute, but there are still many trusty candidates to give them a hand." Master Fu opened the miracle box, as he eyed all of the possible miraculous. His hand rested on the teal blue bangle Of the snake. Master Fu picked it up firmly, and put it into a seprate miracle box. He then looked up for the worthy weilder of the snake miraculous.


Luka looked up frantically at the destruction before him. The concert-his concert was all in flames as people ran back and fourth, panicking. Luka had made sure all his friends had made it out safely, but he still stood back to help any other civilians.

Luka was about to turn back around, but he saw an old Chinese man looking at him.

"Luka Couffaine." said the old master. He pulled out a miracle box and held it out in front of Luka. "Here is the miraculous of the snake. It will allow you to put your opponents into a deep, meditative state. When you are done helping, you will return the miraculous to me." Master Fu said. Luka stared in awe. Right before him was the great guardian. The owner of all the miraculouses. Luka silently grabbed the miraculous and put it on.

"Thank you." he said. When he turned around the great guardian was gone.

"Kinda strange isn't it? One moment he's here, the next he's gone." said Sass, Luke's kwami.

"Yeah, its really strange. Anyways, Sass, scales out!"Luka said. From the cover of a tree, Luka transformed into Viperion, the snake themed super hero.

Luka looked around for victims to save as he heard a strong femine voice throughout the crowd. Chloe Bourgeois.

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