chapter 5

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"Leave them alone." Chloe said forcefully. Moon climber turned his gaze to her, and sneered.

"What are you going to do about it?" his words weren't entirely false. I mean, what was Chloe going to do? Even though she was clueless as ever, Chloe didn't give up.

"Wait until you see. You will not hurt another being again." Chloe crossed her arms to keep from shaking. "Go." she said fiercely to the girls. The stared at her in awe then scrambled away. Moon Climber however, looked very darkly at Chloe. Every fiber in her being shook as Moon Climber aimed his microphone at her.

Chloe closed her eyes as she waited for the bright lights to blind her. Instead, Chloe felt someone dash down in front of her and grab her quickly.

Opening her eyes, Chloe stared right up at Luka, or, well, viperion. He gave a worried look, but when he saw Chloe was okay he smiled. Just staring at him made Chloe quite speechless.

"I arrived just in time, didn't I?" viperion asked.

"A little late if you ask me." Chloe replied defiantly. Viperion landed safely at a hill in the distance, and gently laid Chloe down on the ground.

"I better be going now. Ladybug and Cat Noir  will need my help." Chloe thought for a second that she saw a longing look in Luka's eye. Anyhow, she nodded defiantly for him to go off. As he prepared to zoom off into the night, Chloe caught him one last time.
"Be careful." Chloe wanted Viperion to stay, but she knew he was needed.

"Of course, my queen." Viperion did a slight bow before zooming off into the night.

Chloe blushed bright red at his last remark. She clutched her heart as if she would faint. She loved it so very much when luka called her his Queen, because that was indeed what she wanted to be to him.


Chloe looked off into the night sky as far as she could see. She saw explosions, and blinding lights, but she couldn't tell what was happening. It wasn't until a few moments later when Chloe saw the miraculous Ladybug fix everything that she knew it was alright.

Chloe immediately wanted to make sure Luka was okay, so she ran as fast as she dared back to the concert.


When chloe arrived, she saw that the concert had been brought back on due to Ladybug and Cat noir's victory. Everyone was cheering and clapping, now happier than ever before. When Chloe saw luka back on the stage, she breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down to enjoy the concert.


After the concert people started to move and shift away, until only a few stragglers were left, including Chloe Bourgeois. She didn't really want to go home, considering all the guilty choices she'd made.

Chloe glanced up at the stage and saw Luka's mother hug both him and his sister. They all looked so... Happy. Chloe thought. She sighed in a desperate manner, feeling out of place and broken. Her mother had never hugged her, not from what Chloe could remember. She sometimes wished she had someone else as her mother, someone who actually cared.

As she sat around, quite out of place, Luka saw her. He frowned when he saw the look of displeasure on her face, and he went over to cheer her up.

"So what did you think of the concert?" Luka's question startled Chloe. She brightened up at seeing Luka of course, but she put on a fake smile.

"It was amazing! You did a very good job." Chloe said. Since there was no one else around, there was no reason to lie. Luka smiled gratefully.

"Thanks Chloe. That means a lot." Chloe pastered on a half fake smile. Luka saw right through it though. He knew something was holding Chloe back, but he wasn't too sure she would tell him. At least not here anyways.

"Hey. Come with me." Luka held out a hand. Chloe stared at Luka, but followed him anyways. Where was he taking her, she wondered.

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